Cottage Life & Family

   Friday and Saturday weather was glorious, Spring is in full bloom and for whatever the reason, my allergies aren’t bad.  I use Nasacort spray every few days and it seems to be keeping the allergy misery at bay.  I am also happy to report that since I began taking a small dose of  Melatonin  each evening, my sleep is indeed improving.  Boy what a difference that makes… proper sleep. 
   On Friday evening we invited the moms down to Stella for dinner as the temps were in the 70’s and sunny most of the day.  The kids showed up too, and it was such a joy to share the evening with all.  M and I feel blessed to still have our moms around to enjoy the place, and we love the close relationship they have with our kids.  Not a day goes by that M doesn’t miss his father, who passed too young from Lung cancer, and we often think of what we all  have missed out on, what he missed out on, having left us too soon when the kids were still very young.  Because of that experience, we cherish those who are still among us, and the times we get to spend together. 

 These two are my true joy.  The fact that they get along even better as they mature is a beautiful thing. I know they will always have each other’s back and that is such a gift for a parent. 
My mother makes the best Gin & Tonic with a fresh twist of lime.. ever. 
The secret is in the ingredients… fresh lime squeeze, and Beef Eater Gin. 
Any other Gin just doesn’t cut it. 
 I’m pretty sure it’s in the dictionary next to the word refreshing. 
 I made that Trisha Yearwood Banana Pudding I posted previously (it’s in the recipes if you browse that tab on my blog)  I substituted the meringue on top  with fresh whipped cream enhanced with a little vanilla and a little sugar – absolutely delicious, wow.  Also hard to believe that was the first time I ever made  pudding from scratch.  When I make icebox cake, I use the Jello Cook and serve variety but what a difference, the pudding from scratch, and what a delicious and easy crowd pleasing dessert this is. 
 Frasier has gotten used to cottage life very quickly too.. he has his own set of bowls and bed and a gate on the deck so I can keep him up there if I’m working in the little yard and don’t want to worry about him chasing the many  rabbits.  At that moment he was wondering if I was going to share a little taste of that pudding.  This after he had already been given a hotdog and a hamburger.  He’s just a little chubby like his mama right now.  *sigh   We both adore food. 

Yesterday while the sun was  shining with  the temps in the 70’s,  my son and I ventured out in the kayaks and did a little exploring.  The water was still chilly at 40 something degrees but it was clear and refreshing and the salt air scent was intoxicating.  Cormorants were resting on the rocks, wings expanded, sunning themselves. The leaves on the trees are just coming out along the shoreline, but we saw many people enjoying their yards and decks, busy  with the spring opening rituals that are a part of cottage life.  I love watching the “island” wake up for the season and feel so very grateful that we are a part of it.