When opposites occupy one household

   First.. thank you to all who commented on my Fibro post the other day – your input is so appreciated as I navigate this -thing-.   I’m changing my diet to stay away from gluten, dairy and pork, I’m going to lose that damned 15 lbs and I am continuing to work out, even when it hurts.  I’m talking a magnesium supplement and I am going to try like heck to get more sleep and less stress. 
    Speaking of which…. the post title.  *sigh   I love my husband, he’s got many good qualities.  We all have some crap qualities too, and with luck and effort we manage to find balance and happiness most of the time with our chosen partners.  When it comes to politics, we in this house are polar opposites on some very important things.  And yet we agree on others.  He is a dyed in the wool Republican, I am unaffiliated.  I believe the party system divides us further, and what this nation does not need is further division.  ( Man, the headlines lately.  Not even going there, we’re all sick over it.)
   We are so divided on some big issues, that we have vowed not to talk politics with each other, period.  How far do you think that got us?   It’s just about impossible, and leads to some pretty heated discussions.  Neither of us is going to change the others mind, so the arguing is futile.  And yet.   Have you ever looked at your significant other  with disgust and thought…. how can he/she possibly think that way?    I’m sure my husband has the same thoughts about me on occasion.  What is most damaging is when the person you have chosen to share your life with treats your ideas as if they are ridiculous and without any value or berates your intelligence just because your views are different than his/hers.  I try not to do that, but I don’t always succeed. Neither does my other half.  Wouldn’t it be awesome if those in the BIG HOUSE could figure out how to debate and find solutions for the BIG STUFF  without doing the same.   And yet… 
   The Dog Days Of Summer are here… nothing like the A/C to keep those dogs cool. 
 Three little eggs in the nest made in a wreath on my front door.  One hatched so far… 
   Hoping you are all finding peace of mind in the lazy days of Summer and may there we Peace on this restless earth once and for all………..
Just Sayin-