Today I am fifty one years old.  I can honestly tell you that number doesn’t bother me.. I feel blessed.  Life is so short, it is so fleeting.. we are just a speck on the earth and our time here is so limited and unknown. To fret over a number seems like a big waste of precious time.

   My daughter gifted me with this today…. isn’t it just the truth… * love it

  Max gifted us with coming up lame this week… I turned him out two days ago and this is the look I got…

   Upon further inspection and some movement on his part, he is absolutely lame. So we sent a video of his movement to the vet, who thinks it’s an abscess in the hoof because there’s no heat or swelling to point to a leg injury.  Soaking ensued…

 and some wrap/poultice. The shoer comes out today to pull the shoe and dig around to find what we hope is a simple abscess.  This is the horse who had the colic surgery six months ago.. the big guy has had a rough year.

  Blog and Birthday Buddy Sally sent me this lovely gift… we share the same birthday and have shared each other’s woes over the years, a virtual shoulder to lean on through the internet waves. Amazing, some of the friendships we develop, sometimes without ever meeting face to face.  I hope to meet Sally, though… perhaps when the big guy and I start scouting out Florida in the next year.   (So he says)    Sally also happens to have moved in recent years to a street with the same name as my beloved grandmother. Mike and I named a road after her too, thankfully before she passed so she could see it.  I’ll never forget it… Her 84 year old self  giggled when she saw the sign.  Made my day, my week, my whole month!

  Anyway.. back to Sally’s gift…

Thank you so much, Sally,  – and Happy Birthday to YOU!!

 I’ve been sprinkling SPRING around the house for the past few weeks.. so ready for it.

 SNOW to arrive on Sunday, I’m hoping it’s just a dusting.   
Have a good weekend, all – and as always, thanks for stopping by.