A bag of split peas

       I rushed through the isles grabbing this and grabbing that while trying to remember what my Dad needed at the -home- and what my family needed at the homestead.  I felt the usual irritation rising at the prospect of another visit there to drop the stuff off, which was probably driving the rush down the isles (it wasn’t necessary, the hurriedness…. nor was the irritation if I’m being truthful).  I pulled into a checkout line and flipped through the e mail on my phone until it was time to unload the “stuff” onto the belt. I did it with stealth speed, true thing.

      Then I noticed her.  An older woman who looked like she had seen hard times for sure.  She held a single item in her hands, a bag of split peas.  If I had bothered to look around just a little, I would have seen that she had been behind me.. with one item. Although she was waiting patiently, I surely would have let her go ahead of me, had I noticed anything besides my own hurriedness  in that few moments.  When our eyes met, I apologized for not having realized she had just one thing and I surely should have let her go ahead of me.  She was kind with her response, indeed.  No irritation in HER stance.   I had the cashier add her one little bag to my total and said Merry Christmas.  I almost felt foolish doing so, but let me tell you …..

  It may as well have been a bag of gold.  Her eyes lit up as if she could not believe her good fortune at having a simple bag of split peas paid for by a stranger.

One.. Simple.. Little.. Thing.

She has no idea, but she taught me something and she made my day.  Hell, she made my Christmas.  Her face.. her gratitude.. over something so.. little!…

And just like that, my day was turned around.

It’s All Good.