Fixing the broken….

  So… this summer.  *sigh.

  Mom broke her arm, it was ugly.  She was a trooper, and  that has healed nicely. She’s driving again and living life as it should be lived. Although I still catch her holding that arm out to the side like it’s a defective piece of merchandise that might spew filth on her being at any moment.  (Hi Mom!)  

  Max the horse is home and loving retirement life, he’s living the good life for sure, healing nicely. Amen.  (Diane this one’s for you 🙂

  Dad suffered a heart attack the other day.  His second, plus a stroke about 10 years ago.  He must have nine lives.  Right now operating on 20 percent heart function, breathing on his own again after being intubated for 24 hours, but still there is the congested (congestive?)  heart failure issue.   He’s flirting with the nurses so I know he’s still who he is.  What he will be, though, moving forward, is a question mark.  Will he be able to go home and live on his own?  How long does a congested heart stay clear of the fluid buildup. Should he be driving?  He’ll answer yes for sure, but that doesn’t make it right.   Our relationship .. that’s a tough one.  I am the only person (plus my husband) who is there for him at this stage of his life… and I keep saying to myself.. Kindness, Karen.  Find it.. show it.

   Rudy the dachshund bloated this afternoon after digging in the dog food bag and pretty much submerging himself in there until we noticed.  He’s been acting odd lately and has had a voracious appetite for food and water.  Had him tested, – nothing.  Not diabetes, blood work good, heart good, not cushings positive, just borderline.. and yet the behavior.  So tonight he was gorging himself and bloated out.  A trip to the vet, stomach pumping, some morphine-like stuff, and he’s home and resting sorta comfortable.

  *good times.