Is it me?

  I’ve got a tiny little gripe and I feel like getting it off my chest.  Maybe this is gonna make me sound like a grumpy old lady, of which I hope I never become, but hey if the shoe fits, right?  So you let me know and I’m OK with the answer.

  Do you use the terms BFF, Bestie, Bae?….

 They annoy me.  And here’s why…

Let’s start with “Bae”… which is what some probably-young women call other  probably-young women who are their BFF  or maybe a guy who is their lover, whatever… … this does not necessarily apply to actual couples.  I’m assuming “Bae” is the short form of Babe.  Which is only just one letter shorter, you know?  You’re just cutting off one letter.. one sorta sound,..the B sound which just rolls out of your mouth naturally, it’s not a difficult pronunciation or anything….  so the point of the shortening would be?…….   Just explain it to me, really, if you know..  because I want to understand.

Going out with Bae tonight.. can’t wait to get ice cream with the Bae tonight…. sitting here with Bae, drinking wine.. 

Most of us know what BFF’s are, or Besties.    BFF = Best Friend Forever, and Bestie is pretty self explanitory.   I have friends all over who I cherish, and they’ve all played different rolls in my life. Some I don’t talk to for months or years, but when we catch up, it’s as if no time has passed.  Some I talk to daily because our lives intertwine through jobs or hobbies or volunteer stuff, etc.   A few I’m closer to and share things with more than others.  But would I label anyone a BFF?  Or a Bestie?  I wouldn’t… If I’m  out shopping with my Bestie, are my other friends -lesser-?

Now, if you use the term, you might be annoyed with me right about here.   I’m not really picking on you. All these terms are friendly terms, after all. Cute even!     Maybe  I’m picking on me….. getting older, not riding with the times,  being an old fogey, bucking the new system, if you will.

So, is it me?