And so it goes

 I’ve been neglecting my blog lately.  Thank you for those who still drop by.  All is well, I’ve just not been motivated in this one particular space with so much else going on, all good, thankfully.  I miss the daily chatter with my blog friends but some of you have found me on FB and I’m glad we can keep in touch there as well.  So many of you are so inspiring in your own way.. creatively or with a strength and resolve and grace during difficult times….  it’s a pleasure to have come to know you.

Here’s some *random* on a Monday Morning… 

 I watched “And So It Goes” with Diane Keaton and Michael Douglas the other night.   I was so looking forward to it because it should have had that same classic down to earth, real life,  good feeling, great sense of humor of some of my favorite movies  – As good as it gets, Somethings gotta give, Hope Springs,  It’s Complicated, etccome to mind.   Maybe it’s just me, but I found it to be a big disappointment.  Michael Douglas was just unlikeable and not really believable in his character  and Diane was…. Diane, only throw in some silly and whiney.  Also, pepper it all with really juvenile humor that seemed like it was put there as an afterthought to spice up the movie.. or something. All in all, it was OK, when it had potential to be really great.  

 My daughter is moving into her own place after Christmas.  That’s the way it should be, and I am so very happy because she’s moving into a terrific apartment and is very excited about it.  So here is mom, mourning the fact that we will probably never all be living under the same roof again, the four of us.  I know it’s the natural order of things and it’s what we want for our children, but I am definitely not one of those moms who can’t wait for the kids to finally leave the nest.  I will miss the foursome we were, here, together.  It’s as if a new stage is set, a new chapter has begun.. onward!  But I liked the old chapter so very much I don’t want to leave it.  Me and those darn apron strings, you know.

I’ve discovered one of the down sides of animal rescue and adoption events. Despite all the precautions we take to screen adopters, sometimes… the dog does not end up in the environment we would choose.  Example.. we do home visits after our adoption events to make sure all is going well.  Recently, one of the dogs we adopted out had a home visit.  The people who adopted her are hoarders.. so there is clutter all over the house.  It’s not filthy, just very very cluttered. Because of all the clutter… the dog is kept mostly on a leash in the house or in her crate.  They don’t want her getting into the “clutter”.  She appears to have bonded with her new owner and looks healthy.  The owner has an autistic son who appeared agitated at the home visit and has not bonded with the dog.  We asked if perhaps the dog was too much at this time and could we refund her money and bring *August home.  She flat out refused and said she LOVES the dog.  We told her living on a leash tied to a table inside a house is no way for a dog to live… and she agreed to work on that.   Really, we have no legal leg to stand on in this case and can’t take the dog back.  We will check in with her again and hope she has decided to acclimate the dog properly to the cluttered house and let her live off leash.  Also, we hope the boy is able to bond in some way with the dog so that there is not additional tension in the house. That’s never good for the dog.. or the family.   

 A blog friend of mine is very worried for her family right now. Knowing what they are going through reminds me that  having the pressure of major troubles during what is supposed to be a joyous season can make it a very difficult and sad time indeed.  If someone you know is struggling, reach out in whatever way is comfortable for you. Let them know they are not forgotten during this season of *Hope. 

May your Holiday Season bring you  Joy and Peace of Mind, Courage, Strength, Love and Hope. Those are the gifts I wish I could bestow on all –  *