About that Facebook Post…..

  Facebook is a funny bird….. it can be a wonderful tool for keeping in touch with distant family and friends, posting events, sharing happy news, philosophies and photos.  It’s also used and abused as a bitch session, rant platform, political war zone and advocacy area.  Yep, you can really piss people off if you try. 

 I try to keep my facebook page light and entertaining and all in the spirit of  sharing, good will and encouragement.  Am I always successful?  Ha!   In all honesty I get tangled in others conversations now and then where my opinion is bold and most often in defense of something.

This morning it was about posting pics of animals in need. In all fairness the original poster was begging others to not post pictures of abused animals anymore. I should note that she is an animal advocate and has rescue dogs of her own.  Her friends agreed that they want to see -happy- on FB, no sad and horrible stories of abuse that they can’t do anything about.  And that’s where I chimed in.  In essence my point was that I am in dog rescue and do post dogs in bad condition sometimes that need help. My view is that if  you never see the negative images, you won’t know the need is there and you will definitely not be prompted to do something about it. ( I’m not talking about the horribly gruesome images.)   If you are in a position to do something and my post prompted you to do so, mission accomplished.  And, time and time again, those posts save dogs.   So, I won’t apologize, although I limit it so I don’t bombard friends with sad circumstances.

 There aren’t enough people in this world who give a damn about anything other than what is directly in front of them affecting their world directly and immediately.  So I am definitely not quick to criticize anyone who is trying to make a difference for the greater good  somewhere, regardless of the cause.  Even if their way of doing it is posting on their FB feed a picture that might make me feel momentarily uncomfortable.  – Did I just piss you off?

What does bother me?  Those dead dear and game pics of proud hunters (sometimes kids!) with big smiles standing next to their bleeding, big eyed, tongue hanging out of mouth deer, bear, or whatever…  I am not a vegetarian, so I have to admit this is probably hypocritical… but somehow seeing you standing so tall and proud next to an animal you killed for the joy of it is really disturbing.  Oh, I know the argument stand that the deer/game will be eaten…but you’re not out there shooting deer because you can’t afford food from the grocery store.  You’re doing it because you enjoy the hunt.. and kill. WE could also argue that the way this country treats animals raised for food in mass factory inhumane conditions is a lot less humane than the momentary shoot and kill of that deer.  You’re right!  Ah, it gets so complicated, doesn’t it.   I do try to buy food labeled as humanely raised and I encourage all to do so.  Have you seen FOOD, Inc?    Ugh. a must see. But be prepared, it will offend you.

 – Just sayin.