MV scalloped potatoes and Macs Oreo Truffles

  Last year when we were on the Vineyard and had dinner at our favorite waterfront restaurant,  the Atlantic  – they served the most delectable scalloped potatoes.  I asked if the Chef would mind giving me the secret to the divine combination of cheeses in his recipe.  The waitress returned to our table and said just this…. Gruyere, smoked Gouda and heavy cream.

Aha!… so with just that information when I returned home I tried it for myself.  WOW is this a delicious scalloped potato recipe.. goes with so many meals.  We ordered it again this year and it was still just as good.

MV Atlantic Au Gratin Potatoes

  So here’s what I do… it’s not a precise recipe, you’ll have to wing it some, but if you’ve made scalloped potatoes before, you’ll do just fine.

  Slice your peeled  potatoes (six to eight)  really thin (I use yukon gold or Idaho baking potatoes) Slice a big sweet yellow onion really thin too.  Butter the bottom of a baking dish and preheat oven to 375. 

In a saucepan heat and stir the following ingredients until cheese has melted and the sauce is smooth:  fresh grated Gruyere cheese,   grated Smoked Gouda cheese, approx.  2 cups of heavy cream, about a 2 cups of chicken broth.. a little butter.   Salt and pepper to taste.  I use lots of cheese to make the sauce rich and creamy.

 Put first layer of potatoes slices in bottom of baking dish.. then add a layer of sliced onion.. pour about 1/3 of the cheese sauce over that layer.  Then placed next layers of potatoes and onion.. pour 1/3 of cheese sauce over that.  Then place last layer of potatoes  and pour remaining cheese sauce over the top.  Place in oven and bake until golden brown on top and potatoes are soft throughout.  (insert fork to test).  Approximately 50 minutes.  But keep an eye on it, temps and oven performance vary.

Now for the oreo truffles… my son’s girlfriend, who is just a delight and I’m going to embarrass her right here by saying that, makes these awesome Oreo Truffles… they are super easy to make and super delicious too.   Recipe HERE.