Dressed to Impress

  Busy weekend we’ve got going on…. horse show, Senior Prom, and mom hoping she’s got it all taken care of.

Day one of the horse show… a first, two seconds and a third – K and Max in their second year have really hit their stride.  Not bad for an old man, and oh, how he is adored by K. 

Max in his jammies….

It’s cold for a late April show, see the winter jacket?
And I have never eaten so much dust from all the wind kicking it up
out there.  Keeping the show clothes clean in those conditions is
a full time job. 

Tomorrow is another show day and then… Senior Prom!
I’ve gotten a sneak peak at the dresses, absolutely beautiful,
and if I do say so myself, the boys look so darn handsome and grown up
in their tuxes.  Ah, to be young and have a night like this to look forward to.
Have a good weekend, all!