Dear Anonymous

 your question:   “Why is it that it is the pit bulls that are always in court or in the News? Why is it most people get attract by pit-bulls?”

 My answer to you is simple –    My 7 lb. dachshund did not make the news when he attacked the UPS driver because  he weighs seven lbs. and did not inflict much damage.  My friends who bred cocker spaniels and had several bite incidents with their dogs did not make the news even though stitches were involved because the injuries were not horrendous or  sensationalized and they settled with the bite victims away from the law and out of court.  I did not press charges against a boarder at my barn when she brought her cattle dog to visit and the dog, without provocation, reached out and bit my hand,  leaving holes and drawing blood.  If his owner wasn’t right there with him, he might have been able to do more harm before I could successfully subdue him.  No cops were called or charges made, because I recognize that a dog is an animal and not thoroughly aware of his boundaries.  It’s up to the humans in the situation to prevent those things from happening.   

     I’ll say it again… pit bulls are an athletic animal with a powerful jaw and they are absolutely capable of severe harm.  I’m not disputing that.  This is true of any large breed dog.  Do you notice pit bulls were not an issue, say, 25 years ago?    If you are near my age, you probably weren’t even aware of them.  As a matter of fact, they USED to be termed Nanny dogs, all  bully breeds, because they were good with children and were prized by families as the family dog.   In more recent times, the bully breeds have been used and abused because of their strength by a certain group of people who like to fight them.  They want them mean, it’s a status simple to have them wearing heavy, heavy chains around their neck and they routinely torture them to make them mean.

 Is is fair to give all pit bulls and bully breeds a bad rap because there are a few who snap?   Kind of like people, wouldn’t you say?   I say… the better idea is to respect that these dogs are capable of harm, ALL  DOGS… and as the owner, you must be responsible in their care, their handling, their environment, who you trust to leave alone with them.  Common sense, period.  Each dog is an individual, not unlike people.  Are there some who are just plain viscous? Absolutely…in every breed. 

 Visit any prison and you’ll see so many wounded, wounded souls who are in that environment and have made poor decisions because they were horribly abused as a young child and young adult. The “system” did not have answers for them, were not there to protect them or give them other options.  They will lash out in anger, because the world hasn’t shown them kindness.  If you don’t think dogs have the same responses, then you’ve never known a relationship with a dog.  Do we condemn them all?   Or do we try to eliminate the abuse and prosecute the abusers and hold owners responsible if they are going to choose to own a dog?  

One more thing… because pit bulls have now got this bad reputation,  even when the dog IS NOT A PIT BULL, it is labeled so in the news right off the bat, because that’s what brings attention to the article.  Therefore, money to the media.   You don’t see retractions later when they got their info wrong. 

If I have not answered your question to your satisfaction,  I’m going to venture to guess we’re just not going to agree.