On Friends and Fairies….

  We spent a lovely evening in the company of friends last night – the Viking, who also happens to be the one and only “J” who helped us rebuild This Old House, and his wife Raven, who is a fairy in her other life. 
 Raven’s Herb Shed blog HERE
Events HERE

Their home – Moonshadows

It’s rare to get such a personal glimpse of a fairy’s home life…
they are elusive creatures, don’t ya know.

Raven was gracious with my curiosity and gave me a tour of her wardrobe.

It ***Sparkles***
… Fairy dust abounds…
I got to try on a pair of wings!
..choosing a small set, as I am not accustomed to flying…

How to make fairy dust  HERE

 One of my favorite prints…

Midsummer’s Eve by Edward Robert Hughes

“I believe in everything until it’s disproved. So I believe in fairies,
the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it’s in your mind. Who’s to
say that dreams and nightmares aren’t as real as the here and now?”

– John Lennon

 Believing in fairies.. or faeries…  is believing in the magical world of nature spirits. Grown ups most often lose touch with the magic of childhood…who couldn’t use a little whimsy in their life.