Shaking it out…shaking it off.

 A friend I sometimes confide in and gripe to and argue with over our differing political and religious views gave me some good advice today.  I needed to hear this, I need to let go of things without having to stand up to or for or against or with, etc. etc…. unless it’s truly going to make any difference. Sometimes, it’s just arguing, and that is so tiring and pointless.  I’m getting too old for it, and I should know better by now. 

“Karen, don’t invite stress into your life; it’ll find
you easy enough. If you know someone doesn’t share your world view,
discuss but don’t argue. Stupid people, of whatever flavor, will drag
you down to their level and then beat you with experience. Life
is TOO short to deal with stress and especially stress you’ve invited into your life. Don’t. You’ll be happier.”   


It’s a glorious day here, 58 degrees currently.. the chickens are out sunning themselves in the dirt next to the garage and the horses are naked, devoid of blankets, grazing where the snow has melted.  I loaded Ben into the car and we headed down to the Beach, where we took a nice long walk along the water, shaking out the soul and shaking off this long winter season.   I hope you find opportunities to do the same – give yourself the freedom to just go, be, walk, see…. and let go of the stresses in your life. Actually, don’t invite them at all.