Letter to “Mommy”

First, about last night. 
in the history of EVER.
I would not want to be Peyton Manning today. 
WOW, that was awful stuff. I feel bad for him especially.
The commercials weren’t even funny. 
I forgot to share with you an awesome find from our Saturday beach walk.
As we sat on a big piece of driftwood admiring the serenity in front of us…
Mike picked up a rock that appeared to have writing on it..

All I could make out were the words “Mommy” at the top and

“being” near the bottom.  Some of the message was written on the side of the rock as well.
Mike said – “take it home and put it in your seaside treasure garden”. 
It didn’t feel right. This may be a message a child left for his/her mother
who may have loved that spot, or the ocean in general.

We left it on the piece of driftwood where one can hope it will reach it’s intended.