I’m on a mission

  I’m laughing to myself here because as soon as I typed that post title I knew it  will get my husbands attention, with an accompanying eye roll and heavy sigh.  And then maybe a glance at the credit card statement or his wallet.    But seriously…
  Several years back I walked into an antiques mall and walked out $75. lighter with a filthy, decrepit, tail-less  magic-marker riddled rocking horse that I thought must be ancient and worth big bucks if I just fixed it up.  I found out it was an Asian  knock off and I had not scored a find worthy of American Pickers best, but that’s OK.. I still love him to this day. I bought some horse tail hair and restored his pride, too. 
   This morning at another antiques barn I bumped into an old flame.   


a vintage spring horse from the 1950s that typically sells now for around $25 – $100.
depending on the condition, model, etc.
Oh, how I loved those spring horses when I was a youngster.
  We didn’t have one, but when ever I got the chance 
to take a ride on someone else’s, I was smitten. 
These shown below may not be the actual “Wonder” horse.. usually stamped 
on the fender of the saddle.  I don’t see the mark in these pics..
but I love them regardless. 
This one is a beauty – and sold for $75. not long ago.

I didn’t mind tagging along to the grocery store with my grandmother on occasion…
because HER grocery store had one of these at the front door…

 And today… I saw yet another vintage horse I had not had the privilege of meeting before…
the MOBO BRONCHO  pedal horse. These were made in England started in 1947 through 1971 and were very popular here in the US because they were a relatively affordable and durable childrens 
ride-on toy. 
This is not the one I looked at… he was a black beauty and in excellent condition
for $350.   Too deep for my pockets. 
But this one below is a fine example of what’s out there to be found…
for between $150-350. depending on the condition. 
They are large enough for a small child to sit on and propel along by pushing
down the pedals with their feet.
 I am determined to bring another pony home to This Old House…
One similar to the vintage ponies you see above.
I have to find a real bargain, though… and so the hunt begins.
I may or may not  have just made a really low bid on ebay.
Depends who asks  🙂