The Red Dog Project

  By now if you’ve been reading my blog for a while, you know about the shelter dog rescue group I belong to, Dog Days Adoption Events.  I am so excited about a new project Dog Days has initiated, called The Red Dog Project.   What is it, exactly?   

The Red Dog Project rescues high risk (kill shelter) dogs and puppies and
places them with inmates to socialize them so they may be re-homed.   Currently the dogs
for this project are with women inmates and have to be able to stay in a
room behind a baby gate. In the next phase, we hope to also put together teams of  male inmates and  pit bulls who are capable of solid rehabilitation. 

   Below are some of the puppies who have completed their initial training and wellness program and are available for adoption.   As is always the case… in order to be able to do this, we need to raise funds.  We can’t save our next batch of shelter dogs until we’ve raised the funds to do so.  If you have an interest in adopting one of the Red Dog Project puppies, visit or send an e-mail inquiry to the e-mail listed on each of the pups ads below.  Donations are easy to do, just click on the DONATE link on the face of the website. Every single dollar helps us bring these dogs HOME.