Here we go again…

 Another new year… the promise to eat better, exercise more, finally get that extra weight off… blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.   That’s certainly us every single year at this old house – and we’re doing the same dance once again.

 Only this time I hope it sticks. I just downloaded a bunch of paleo recipes that sound absolutely delicious and I like the paleo diet because it doesn’t deny you  healthy things like fruits and vegetables (think Atkins). And it works!  We know several friends who have accomplished their weight loss goals by eating paleo and exercising regularly, so here we go. 

  An excellent link for some great resources and paleo recipes HERE
We’re about to get more snow and some really cold temps..
I’m heading out to the barn with coffee in hand to put warmer blankets on horses
and check the water and heater in the chicken coop. 
The dogs are in hibernation mode.
In full camo. 


Happy, Healthy 2014 to all – 
with special prayers going out to bloggers
 Vicky, Ms. A,  and Kate, Hilary, among others…
who were handed a hard row to hoe in 2013.
 May the new year be kinder and gentler to all
and may we find renewed strength with a hopeful eye
 to the future and it’s possibilities.