forward thinking

We’re born.
That’s the first gift. guarantees… no choice in the matter. 
  We have no control over the first years of our lives
and very little until we approach adulthood. 
Then the decisions are our own to make, and our responsibility alone.
That’s another gift we don’t all embrace. 
Some of us have had a less than stellar experience in our youth..
whether it was at the hands of family members or the bully kids at school, 
the list is long for possibilities as to the ‘whys’. 
The lucky ones escaped unscathed, nurtured, even. 
I don’t know where you fall in that catagory..
but here’s something we all share. 
You alone are responsible for your well being, for your happiness,
for what your life looks like and turns into. 
Blame no one but yourself if you are not happy with your station in life,
whatever that refers to in your world.  Be kind to yourself when doing so.
You make decisions at any given time, good or bad, given what you have to work with. 
You can most often change, even though change can be uncomfortable… at first.

All have a cross to bear, some bear several. 
It’s the outlook you choose that determines your wealth.
Wealth.. meaning peace of mind, state of happiness, fulfillment in life.
Money is not necessarily wealth. If you have an abundance 
of peace, happiness, fulfillment… you are wealthy.

Saddens me to no end, when I see someone wallowing in WHAT WAS – 
letting it pollute their current existence, possibly even ruining current relationships, 
careers, whatever.

 Just sayin.