Woods Walk

The Mr. has cleared some beautiful walking trails
behind this old house – part of these trails were the original
“road to town” back when horse and buggy were the method of travel. 
Our fall here in New England has been glorious and we’ve been
walking the woods, reveling in it’s golden hues and the scent of moldering leaves…
(is that a word?)
That particular scent reminds us both of our childhood and the wonderful
memories that this time of year invokes. Is that true for you too? 

 This is part of the original road that leads down into the woods…

There are still stone walls remaining from the past two centuries,
when cattle and horses and sheep grazed these pastures, now full of second growth trees.

 Swamp maples have the most beautiful colored leaves…(below)
a red orange yellow glow like no other…

 ..and the fungus among us is extraordinarily beautiful if you look beyond it’s name.

Another shot of the road less traveled….
Your truly hiding behind one of the majestic trees…
Here since that road was a major thoroughfare, I’m sure…
When you see a tree this large standing in the middle of the woods,
you know it once stood alone, allowed to take in all the light and water so 
that it could mature to this size.  The small second growth trees all around it give that away as well.
Heading back up out of the woods to This Old House, the sky last night
was radiant…