

    The humidity finally broke after a good rain storm and we have absolutely perfect weather right now.  The weekend was full of  the bluest skies, sun and surf  at the cottage as we all took a deep breath and exhaled into the loveliness.  Our lives are busy – the youngsters just beginning the building of their adult lives with budding careers and relationships, the prospect of their own homes in the near future, families, etc… and the Mr. and I continue with the care of our farm, the cottage, the family business, my editorial job and all the responsibilities that go along with.  Taking time to smell the roses is so necessary and often overlooked.   
Don’t miss out – take the time. No one ever lies on their death bed saying “I sure wish I hadn’t taken that trip to Bermuda, I sure wish I had spent more time fretting,  Jeez, had I only dusted and vacuumed just a few hours more,  I sure wish I hadn’t spent so much time with my children, my grands, my passion.  
Whatever inspires you, whatever brings you happiness – do more of THAT.
 I managed to get the big guy out on the water yesterday and he actually sat down and relaxed in the shade for a few hours, too.  Must have been a blue moon last night, I forgot to look.   

  Our cove has two very different sides.  Our side is a colony of small seasonal cottages that were established in and around 1930-ish.   In the picture below you see what it looks like from the water.

 Then there’s the end of the cove that nestles into a nature refuge just after the stone jetty – with a few reasonable  year round houses on the end.  (seen below).

     Across the cove on the other side are some much larger homes, one of which has been in the construction phase for the last five or so years.  My husband jokes that they pay the high taxes but we have the best view.  They look over at us, we look over at…. well.. this…. 
   Can you imagine rambling around in that house?  And it’s quite possibly just a summer retreat for whomever is building it.   Remarkable construction – note the stone tier at the bottom with wood shutter windows, just amazing.  
    The Giant Pink Flamingo still sits out in the cove, occasionally needing an air refill once it appears he’s taking a drink.  Some people are annoyed by his appearance, I think he ads character.  I’m not bold enough to bring one to the cove myself, our float is standard issue.  My daisies are so happy, must be the salt air and sun. 

Here in New England, Tiger lilies line the roads in early July – it’s truly a beautiful sight. These are my husband’s favorite flower, so I’ve planted daylilies on the farm and at Stella by the Sea, seen here.

  Today I plan to catch up on laundry and dusting and vacuuming here at the house, and I’ll pick fresh basil from the garden to make pesto for dinner.  I might even make the cake I’m going to share with you below , click on the title for the recipe – although we’re both trying to get serious about our weight loss goals so I really.. really shouldn’t. (I hear you, Hilary, from all the way over here).  🙂 

ps.. I hate when that term is used “To Die for”…
 no cake is worth dying for.. just sayin. 

  I hope you’re having a good day, wherever you are –  Don’t forget to smell the roses, eat the cake, stick your toes in the water at the beach, jump in the pool, run under the sprinkler, pick the flowers and set them in a vase just for you.  Next time you wash the sheets for your bedding, hang them outside in the sunshine to dry . Put your quilt out there too – the fresh outdoor scent is intoxicating, lulls one to sleep. 
 Till soon, friends – Thank you for stopping by.