Ruff start

    Frasier was awesome yesterday at the cottage. He stayed right with me as I wandered around and was respectful of the neighbors dogs as well. I dragged my little red Kayak, Ruby, over to the edge of the lawn with the intention of taking Frasier for a ride at some point in the day. We went down to the dock to see what he thought of the water in the cove.  At low tide there is actually some beach under the dock.. so he waded in confidently and loved the water.  Awesome!

    A little while later, we were again sitting on the dock soaking in the sun. Frasier lounged comfortably right along with us, even though the wind had picked up and we were rocking just a little.

He was so good I let him off leash. 
He wandered over to the cement pad where we had stepped down onto the beach 
early in the morning…
and decided to jump in head first.  
That’s a face plant in the water right there.
I guess he thought he could still just walk around as he had
early in the day at low tide. 
After I dragged his distressed little self by the collar out of the water,
 trying not to drop the camera in the drink, 
he was not amused and hightailed it to the top of the stairs. 
After a good long while he ventured back down
 to beg mom to please lets leave the dock now..
Needless to say, we didn’t get in the boat yesterday.
Today’s not looking good either  –