
   For the next two weeks we have the use of a tiny cottage on Joshua Cove, not a long drive from here.  Today I’m bringing Ruby and maybe Torch to the cove, and I think I’ll throw Frasier in the Jeep  too.  I want to see how he takes to the water.  I’ve gotten permission from the owners, who are truly lovely people, to bring him to the cottage with me on occasion for this purpose.  Ruby is not a big kayak and he is a bit of a wuss, not sure how this is gonna go. Years ago I took Bailey kayaking..that’s the white fluff ball on the left… she had a life jacket that had a “handle” along the back part of it.  If it were sunny and hot out… I’d dunk her in the water and she’s tread for a minute and then I’d lift her back up. Fraiser is too heavy and too nervous to do that with, but I just gotta see if he’s a seafaring dog.  Wish me luck!  I might get tossed in the drink.

  Last night we had a lovely grill dinner and wine as we watched a big family party of people next door rafting and boating and tubing and drinking and drinking :-).

 It’s a new day, all – 
Make it a good one!