The boat floats!

   I finally got Mike out in his new kayak yesterday – we  threw Torch and Ruby in the back of the truck and headed over to Cedar Lake for his first “tour” in the new boat.   Torch is a  Hurricane brand touring or expedition kayak, made for rivers, lakes, flat water, etc… and it’s streamlined for a smooth glide, easier maneuvering.  His big blue sit-above, the sea kayak by Liquidlogic, was more of a barge.  So… his mango-orange kayak feels more… oh, shall we say, tippy.  Now, it’s not gonna tip unless you want it to, so as long as you aren’t thinking those thoughts, you’re gonna stay nice and dry.

  He kept thinking those thoughts.

My Ruby is a Necky Manitou…
I absolutely love it. Not expensive, still great capability for this kind 
of kayaking.  It’s  size is perfect for the average woman. 

  So … it’s gonna take some getting used to,  Mike and his relationship with the Torch,  but in the long run he will see that he is free as a bird in that boat, compared to trudging along in the barge.

One can hope.
If you have wondered about it but have never tried kayaking,
it’s a great way to get out into nature and feel the peace on the water..
good exercise at whatever level you wish to achieve, and 
a form of meditation in a way I can’t describe. 
It’s freeing. 
Kayaking has become so popular, there are usually many places in the US
to rent them.  Give it a try. If you love it as I do, there is an abundance of
 kayak models in all price ranges to choose from, and often used boats
for sale at a greatly reduced price.  Once you’ve bought your boat,
the trekking is free.  And freeing – Just sayin!
Happy Paddling –