Mending Fences

Dad came for dinner last night
and it was an evening filled with reminiscing, laughter
and casual conversation.  Comfortable conversation.
I agreed with his political rants this time…
because it makes no difference that I believe something completely different.
It matters more at this stage of the game that we had a polite discussion.
Frankly, he didn’t even notice my change of allegiance.
I listened to the old stories for the 100th time with eager and new enthusiasm.
Because someday he won’t be here to discuss them.
We are polar opposites in some ways,
and oh let me tell you how we clashed over the years.
No, on second thought, I’ll spare you.
And…  I’d be misleading you if I didn’t admit that on occasion
when I’m being particularly stubborn,
my husband has a tendency to call me “Lou”.
(in his older years, my father has become very patriotic. This flag is always on his car.)
In any event, regardless of the many years of discontent
and the struggle I had with this particular relationship,
I’m realizing, when it’s OVER, it’s OVER.
And we never do know when it’s going to be over,
so… I’m taking advice I was given years ago.
Make peace with the differences, forgive the slights,
let go of the residual hurt…and mend the fence.
Be the bigger person.
Do this FOR YOU.
And I think I’m accomplishing something here.
You know why?  It feels good.  It feels right.
I doubt I’ll regret it down the road.
If you find yourself in the same situation, do yourself a favor.
Mend the fence.