For the love of pie

  Is there any comfort food that says “LOVE” more than a home made pie?  For me, there’s nothing better. My grandmother Elsie would have us for dinner frequently, and oooh, could she cook.  In a tiny galley kitchen wearing high heels and a proper apron, even!  Along with a gourmet meal, there would usually be pie for dessert.  Not just one pie, usually two.  Blueberry was my favorite,  but the combination could be any of  these as well –  a delectable lemon meringue, chocolate cream, banana cream, or cream puffs that melted in your mouth.

 I’m finally getting around to catching up on my favorite blog reading, and I came across this recipe this morning.  My grandmother came to mind immediately. I’m so thankful for those memories and the traditions I still cherish.

 This is a wonderful blog that drew me in because of her focus on the love of home and food and dogs and ocean (Maine!).  I hope she doesn’t mind the share –  click on link below….

 Do you have a favorite comfort food?
Or one that speaks to you of family and cherished traditions?
Let us know in the comments section, and feel free to share a link to a recipe!

14 thoughts on “For the love of pie”

  1. My Mom used to make lemon meringue pie for my Dad's birthday and their anniversary every year…one of my favorites and because there were 8 of us we would get a tiny, tiny sliver! Brings back wonderful memories. When my gramma used to visit us she would make rice pudding with raisens…cooking it in the oven for hours while we all hung out waiting. Seems like we were always a little hungry for goodies!! Lovely pictures…yummmm…

  2. I come from a family of 5 boys and no girls. I'm #4. For many years when all of us were home, every Saturday my mom would bake four loaves of homemade bread. You could smell it throughout the house. We would wait until it was done and always have a slice or two of warm bread with a good slab of real butter… good. For a special treat she would make cinnamon swirl bread. That would only last the day!!!

    She also would bake pies when the fruit was in season… favorite was apple, but, she would also make strawberry/rhubarb,blueberry,and French peach pie, with a lattice pastry crust top. Her crust was always the best. She always used lard…….great memories of smell and taste in our house.

    My mom was a stay at home mom, mainly because she had 5 boys to take care of and feed. We drank so much milk, we had to have 2 milk men, that delivered 5 quarts, in the milkbox,(remember those) every other day.
    If you were first up in the morning, for cereal, you would get the cream at the top of the bottle….so good!!!!

  3. Know would rather have a good pie any day than cake ! All pies I love them ! I hope you have a great start to you week ! Did you save me a slice ?

  4. Your pie looks divine!! My problem is that I love ANYTHING sweet!! Pies, sweet breads, cakes – they all hold their own equally!! Maybe carrot cake is at the top of the list!

  5. Hi Karen, I'm just getting around to my blog . . . It's 9:49 p.m., crazy, busy day at school today!

    Thank you for posting my pie! Feel free to post any of my recipes!


    P.S. I'm told pie is calorie & fat free! 😉

  6. My favorite pie was always one my mom made; I call it three shades of chocolate. It was awesome! 🙂

    Oh, and of course peach cobbler.

  7. I love love love pie. Lemon meringue is a favorite but it has to be great, not just some second rate pie. And a really good apple pie, a little tart and not too sweet. mmmmmmmm…..

  8. Delicious. I love making pie. I think because it's almost as easy to make two as it is one 🙂 I love blueberry pie too–for some reason a lot of people have never had it! My favorite is blackberry-apple.

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