Almost Showtime

  Remember that line in The Lion King, uttered in frustration by Timon… “It Starts“..

 … yeah… that would be me.

This weekend K, Max and I will attend the first show of the season.  It’s a four day event and a step up from our open show routine last year. This is a breed specific show, Quarter Horse to be precise. K and Max have been working together for many months, Max at 17 years young just getting back into show horse groove and K knowing she’s taking a step up.  

 What’s needed to participate:

The horse and rider, of course. Sane and Sound, with luck.

One western riding outfit (hat, shirt, jeans, chaps, showmanship pants, boots, belt with ridiculously big buckle, jewelry.  Yes jewelry)  

*The fancy pants people have more than one outfit, we’re not wearing fancy pants.

One English riding outfit (helmet, blouses, jacket, riding pants, boots, boot socks otherwise you ain’t getting them on, gloves, hairnet, elastics, bobby pins, makeup, demure earrings.)

Cooler full of food and drink, clothing for the entire weekend, casual, warm, cold weather, rain gear.

show blanket and sleezy ( get your mind out of the gutter – it’s a hoodie for horses to keep their mane bands or braids neat) leg wraps, halter, lead line, show halter, show western pleasure saddle, show bridle, show saddle pad and regular exercise pad so you don’t get your show stuff dirty when you’re just practicing. Show english saddle, english bridle, girths, show pad that holds number on side.. tail extension, various grooming supplies.

I’ve made lists.  I have lists of lists.  K is getting nervous.  I keep telling her this is supposed to be fun, and if she isn’t having fun, we shouldn’t be doing it.  No pressure, we don’t care the color of the ribbon.. it’s the FUN and SAFE factor I’m interested in.

…and you KNOW how your kid just loves the advice you give them and is so very willing to respect and  apply the wisdom you have gained simply by being on this earth for 48-ish years so far and having learned a thing or two or one thousand seventy two in the process.   


 Are we having fun yet? Wish us luck.

15 thoughts on “Almost Showtime”

  1. lol that last paragraph was a perfect kicker…. My first chuckle of the day.

    I told another gal this morning…just breathe…try to be in the small moments…the curve of her boot, the braid in her hair, the shine on a horse….At events for my kids years ago, I practiced..plugging my ears for a moment and closing my eyes and then slowly seeing and hearing what was around's a little magical. I plan to do that at DD's graduation soon.
    safe trip <3

  2. Boy that brings back memories… as soon as I hit 16 and could drive, my mom quit going to shows with me and I took myself every weekend. Showed both English and Western on what I now know was a diamond of a horse, a bomb proof mixed breed pinto mare. What a treasure she was, did everything with no complaint or ever a spook. We racked up alot of miles and blue ribbons and those years taught me the value of lists, being organized and not freaking out if things dont go as planned. Life lessons. I miss those days.

  3. Holy mackerel king fish!! There's some lists ya got there.

    Yes, fun and safe! Will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you enjoy also!

  4. I agree with Denise. With every show, you will fine-tune the routine and check list.

    Most importantly … have fun! I hope it's a great show for all of you.

  5. good luck !!!

    and your last paragraph…well, guess what? they do come around. our 21 and 25 year old now think we are wonderfully smart and i love it !!

  6. Good luck, K, Max… and Karen! Try to have some fun amidst the nerves, K.

    My great niece came in first place in a riding show recently. (I didn't even know she was doing it)

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