Garden Fever

 Now that we’re beginning to see SPRING temps, I’ve got the itch to do something new in the garden.  Although I want to get going on it, I think it’s still just a little early to put my flower seeds in the ground. This year I am growing them from seed directly in the soil instead of starting in pots.  I’ll let you know how that goes.

  I want to plant a long row of sunflowers along the stone wall that runs the length of the field behind This Old House.  Anyone have any tips on successful sunflower growing?  I also will attempt once again to grow some moonflower vine along the garden fence. Last year I had no luck with moonflower vine, the seeds didn’t germinate.  I bought another packet and we’ll see what I come up with this year.  Any suggestions are welcome.

Now for some garden inspiration….
I just love these ideas and I plan to incorporate one or two
after a visit to an vintage junk shop or two…

 I just love this. If I lived in a city I would find a location to do this.
What a great way to spread some cheer.
Now where could I use teapots like this around here… hmmm….  
Have a good day, all –

18 thoughts on “Garden Fever”

  1. Karen – the teapots are so cute and certainly induce smiles.
    Hmmm… how about random acts of teapot hangings !! 🙂

  2. Love those pictures, thank you so much for sharing! As far as sunflowers go I live in Texas and they grow wild and big especially when there is a lack of rain and a lot of heat so I guess that's where they get their name. With that in mind you may not see much until toward the later part of the summer unless there are sunflowers for your particular area. I do think they would look awesome by the stone wall.

  3. Sunflowers are very hardy in Michigan, we have fields of them and they are beautiful. I've never grown them myself though, nor moon flowers so I'm of no help!

    I've seen some of these images…very inspiring. I have spring planting on my mind, too!


  4. Love the tea cup idea as long as it's not Great Grandma's china and those tea pots are priceless!! I did have a tea kettle on my stove forever and have made it into a flower pot!! But those were neat!!

  5. I realllly like your new header!! Another beautiful photo!
    We had moon flower vines when we moved here but had to tear everything out just to get rid of all the "stuff" in the yard that was supposed to be décor. :/ I loved it and had totally forgotten about it. Thanks for the reminder. I'll be getting me some more as it seemed to do great here.

  6. Karen, I've grown sunflowers for years and save seeds from year to year. I grow the mammoth seeds in the back; they grow 6 feet or more and grow the smaller red ones in front. It makes a beautiful border.
    Moonflowers are lovely but be careful as they tend to get wrapped around blades…tractor, lawn mower, etc.
    I've done the tea cup seed feeders and they are lovely. They haven't lasted long for me; I think their too fragile.

  7. Those tea cups and seeds are adorable.
    As far as moonflower is concerned, I soak my seeds in hot water (initially) after nicking them with a knife. Soak for 48 hours, then sow in seed starter or you can sow directly into the ground come May.

  8. First, love that header. The weather started turning 'spring" 2 days before I left for the boat, so my wife and spent 2 days removing all signs of winter from our wooded lot. Leaves, branches, nuts all over. Anyway, yeah, we had the itch and couldn't have been happier outside for a change. Those tea pot are cool, the tea cups very different, but neither would last a day in the battle going on in my yard between me, bird seed and squirrels.

  9. I am longing for spring as it snows outside right now. I must say, I am not too happy with my husband for moving me right now!! 🙂

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