Project 12 – a day in the life – Nancy of Oklahoma

Nancy’s blog can be found here –
My good friend, Debbie, is donating a kidney to her youngest son (23 yr) Jacob, today.
Showing my support.

Gotta have my daily dose.
 It may not look pretty now but it’s going to be yummy.
The juicy bone from out Easter ham, black eye peas, garlic clove, sea salt and pepper.
 Slow cooked
Last of the inside chores. I love the sound of a humming dishwasher.


 Admiring my new doors. My husband and son helped me finish them in time for our family and friends get together yesterday.

Checking on Princess, otherwise known as “Miss Ornery”. She was born unpredictable and a little mean. She kicked at mom and my daughter in law yesterday so she will probably be going to the sale soon.

 Molly wants to play tug of war. I want fetch. She wins till I give up.

It’s a long day for a lot of people.

Cleaned out some flower pots to get ready for new Asparagus ferns.
 So easy and so beautiful. They are my favorite.

Writing to our sponsored girl in Kenya. (Compassion International)
She asked if we used grass for our roofs too?
They were able to get metal and can now sleep when it rains without getting wet.
Not bad with corn bread (I like mine in the bowl), avocado w/a little sea salt,
and cole slaw (KFC recipe).
Nancy, thanks for joining in on Project 12, a day in the life..
Well wishes to your friend Debbie and her son Jacob.
Such a wonderful thing, your support and correspondence with the Kenyan girl .
I bet you learn just as much from her as she learns from you. 🙂
PS.. that ornery little filly?  She sure is pretty, cranky or not.

7 thoughts on “Project 12 – a day in the life – Nancy of Oklahoma”

  1. I hope and pray that Jacob and his mom have a full recovery.

    Now I'm wishing I'd cooked a ham so we'd have a "bone". That looks so good.

    Hope your day is getting better, Karen. Wow!!

  2. That's a busy day ! Love the rug of war action ! Hope your friends son makes a full recover ! Thanks k for sharing

  3. Hi Nancy, enjoyed seeing you here and praying for full recovery for Debbie and Jacob.
    Could Princess benefit from some intensive round pen work in the style of Lyons or someone like him?

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