Southern Comfort

 I think my southern blog friends Andy and Mandy  have taken pity on us northerners with all the snow that’s been dumped on us lately.  Yesterday, much to my surprise, the mail lady came trudging up to the side gate with a package in hand…they really do deliver in sleet and snow!

 It was a much welcomed  package full of southern comfort – 
 My birthday is around the corner,  so they added this note…
It all started with Andy’s rave about these B & G handmade pies..
I went looking, and discovered they are only found in the South.
He thought that was a travesty and decided to send some my way.
Let me tell ya, the lemon pies are a bite full of southern sunshine.
Gone in 60 seconds.
But they didn’t stop with the pies.
Nooo.. we’ve got corn muffin and biscuit mixes…
Biscuit cut ham… now that’s something I have never seen around here….
….and Apple Butter from the Dutch Kettle.
I happen to love apple butter.  
Andy and Mandy put the gold star on the term Southern Hospitality.
 A & M – Thanks so much for warming up this chilly New England house yesterday.
Andy blogs about home improvement projects and family,
hailing from North Carolina. He stumbled upon my blog when we
were in the midst of ressurecting This Old House and began following along. 
You can find his blog HERE.

19 thoughts on “Southern Comfort”

  1. Aren't bloggers the best sometimes? I'll never forget the sweet little package of soaps that you sent me that time. Still using them. What goes around, comes around, my friend ~ xo

  2. Well now if that isn't just the sweetest surprise to receive on a snowy winter's day. Nice!

  3. How sweet of them. They are a great representation of the true southerner's helpful spirit. I live in NC too – will have to check out their blog. 🙂

  4. I'm so glad you got it !!!! I was worried with the snow and all ! I hope you enjoy all of it ! Thanks most of all for becoming such a great friend ! One thing you learn through blogging is that there are still good people left ! Have a great weekend k

  5. Happy early birthday Karen.
    Wow, what a great southern surprise, especially on a cold, wintry March day.

  6. Now THAT'S what I call blogger friends. Very cool. And hey, that photo of your place with the snow cover buggy…really great. Love it.

  7. yum yum yum… sweet to shower you with all that southern comfort !!

    and a happy birthday….early 🙂

    ps…i got your note….and will write back soon !!

  8. Absolutely awesome Karen! What a wonderful surprise!! We were SO happy we didn't get that heavy snow!! We actually got the tarps off the RV today…and tomorrow we drive it over frozen ground (hopefully) so we can get it ready to head SOUTH ourselves!!! I simply cannot wait to lay my eyes on colorful flowers….and butterflies…and SAND!! Enough Winter Already!!

  9. Karen too lots in common and now you have a bday soon…we are both Karen Ann and when is your bday mine is the Thurs…March 14th, if your's is the 14th that's just too too much LOL Sun is out today and loving it snow is melting away Spring is really on it's way. Blessings,,Karen acapecodnest

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