Snow and Cheesy Corn muffins. It’s what’s for dinner.

We’ve got more snow and wind today.
Do you see the drift in the left hand corner still hanging on for dear life?
It’s getting replenished as I type.
Thank you all for the lovely comments on yesterdays post.
My daughter sooo appreciated the lift.
This is one of the things I love about blogging, we all feel connected
at one time or another, we share similar experiences, worries, good fortune and bad. 
 More snow and rain in the forecast – It’s a good day for a hearty recipe….
I’m sharing Jane’s recipe below,
going to make them with turkey soup tonight for dinner.   
Cheese Centered Corn Muffins

1 1/2 c. cornmeal
1 1/2 c. flour
1 1/2 T. baking powder
1 1/2 t. salt
2 T. sugar
2 t.. chopped rosemary or 1 t. dried
2 eggs
1 3/4 c. buttermilk
6 T.butter, melted
5 1/2 oz. cheese (I used cheddar) cut in 12 cubes

Preheat oven to 400. Spray muffin tin wells. In large bowl mix all dry ingredients. In another, mix the remaining ingredients except cheese. Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add your egg mixture. Fold until blended and no lumps remain. Spoon about 2 T. of batter in muffin well, pop in a cube of cheese and add batter until well is 2/3 filled. Bake for 15 minutes or until edges of muffins are golden. Cool pan on rack. Serves 12.

18 thoughts on “Snow and Cheesy Corn muffins. It’s what’s for dinner.”

  1. Definitely a cooking day. I made a zucchini, onion and roasted pepper quiche, zucchini hummus and almond meal pancakes all before 9am this morning. Took advantage of all those canceled classes this am!

  2. Yes, it's a good soup day!! My husband loves corn muffins! I should make him some, thanks for sharing the recipe…

  3. Such a beautiful sun room to enjoy the snow and "stay inside weather"!! Your corn bread is similiar to ours!! Just fixed it last night to go with our chili!! Always add honey on it! My mom loves her cornbread in milk!!

  4. Soup & muffins, sounds like a comfy dinner to me!

    Your post on your daughter is very touching. She's a lovely girl. I don't know what she had to overcome, but by looking into her kind eyes you can tell she's loved & a lucky girl to have you for a mom! xo

  5. The wind has to be worse than the snow! Ours is melting and we are warming up to 50 degrees by Saturday…Whoo Hoo!

    Stay warm and enjoy those muffins, I like to have one with my butter! ;-D


  6. Okay- either I am dreaming or my mind is going. think I saw this exact same recipe somewhere yesterday….lol
    Great snow photo but I, for one, am so tired of snow I could fly! xo Diana

  7. I figured you were getting the rest of our storm from yesterday. Makes us almost feel connected, in a weird weather sort of way. (In fact, the weather guy on TV is talking about your snow right now.)

    Yum, corn muffins. Any kind of muffins, as a matter of fact. It's Shrimp Creole for dinner tonight, sitting on the sofa with the hockey game on TV … guilty pleasure.

    Spring is coming, I've been told. At the very least, we get Daylight Saving Time. I can't wait!

  8. A winter wonder land up there at your place. Again our weather guys guaranteed 4 to 8" the other day. My wife reports, not a flake.

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