It it me?…..

   Or does everyone have a little difficulty with this concept?   When the manchild got his license…. well, let’s just say I’ve been hyperventilating over this eventual occurance since he was two.   He’s been talking about getting his license since he was two.    Ofcourse,  the license was acquired as soon as the appropriate age was achieved (like, the very next second, I’m pretty sure)  , and he’s a free man….child.   It’s been months now, and he’s been really good about texting me when he gets to school ( he’s got a 25 minute ride and it includes a highway) and when he gets to the gym… ditto, in opposite direction. 

Until two days ago.

Mom….. I’m not texting you when I get to school.  No one does that anymore, I’m the only one.  I’m not doing it anymore, it’s silly.  

But.. But….. it’s raining!!..could be ice!… I need to know!!!

I’ll call you if I have any trouble.  See ya this afternoon…

It’s been two days of no texting when he arrives at the school or goes to the gym.
I’m still here.  

I made this lemon blueberry pie today to cheer my silly self up…
Delicious! and easy.
I used frozen organic blueberries instead of blueberry jam on top…
This would make a great addition to an Easter menu..very refreshing.

23 thoughts on “It it me?…..”

  1. I know where you are coming daughter is 30 and when she comes to my place it is a 45min drive home I always get her to text me that she is ok and safe.But mum i'm 30 this is stupid."shut up and call me and when you have children of your own you will understand"-love dee x

  2. there was no uber-mom interrogation? "Did you really conduct a survey of your classmates to see who else does or does not txt their arrival"? "Do you think that I believe you risked humiliation to admit that you do txt your mom"? "What is this really about, do you want to put me in an early grave"? I think that's the gist of my mom's words when I old her I wasn't going to call home every time I drove somewhere

  3. If my son had to drive 45 minutes to school (and let's face it, your weather isn't always the best)I would totally have my son text me when he got there. My husband does the same thing when he is traveling for work, letting me know when he arrives since he often goes over mountain passes. It only takes him a second, and it's not like he has to tell his friends he is doing it.

  4. Uh, who is paying his phone bill? I think it's not too hard to at least send a little text-
    My "boy" is 30 now and what I hear regarding ANY question concerning him is: "Mama, I'm a grown man now!" Yep, the grown man STILL calls me "mama"!lol I think maybe it's a southern thing!

  5. Oh-I remember those days well-we didn't have texting when my kids were in school but we did have a BAG PHONE in the car- old enough to remember THOSE? lol Your pie looks delicious- xo Diana

  6. Meish is 27 now and I still text her every SINGLE time that I hear of a severe weather alert! I still worry. It is part of our job as a mom! I think there are just some of us who worry more than others! That pie looks amazing!!

  7. Just part of the growing up process I guess. My kids didn't have cell phones at that age… so, same difference. You just gotta trust them and say alot of prayers. πŸ™‚

  8. totally normal to worry!!! I am 57 with 2 girls with families of their own, when they take a trip (something over a 1-2 hour drive) I call them or they sometimes even call me. But they have little ones of their own and I think they understand. My youngest daughter (30) her MIL calls her when she has to drive far. Even when it is a snow day, I make sure they got to work ok, just love them and worry.

  9. I'm sure I'll be the same with my kids! But I still have a way to go seeing Sam is only 7! YUM, the blueberry pie looks great!

  10. Oh I know know how you feel. It's been ahwile…I think our son came out of the womb knowing how to drive…but still. It's all progression….now he will call if there is an issue. Hard I know, but it will be the norm soon enough. Be well…have a wonderful weekend.
    Nest in peace….Karen at acapecodnest

  11. Karen, you "double–ly" blessed me today, your recent blog post, (brought back a memory), and I just saw my site on your blog list. Thank you, I have to figure out how to manage my blog to add to my blog list. I will. πŸ™‚ Blessings to you this day. Karen

  12. Yup, been there…they now turn it around and when I'm going on vacation, I am to text when I get there…so they don't worry. Ha! It's very strange having grown children, you think of them as little kids, but they aren't.

  13. Baked good have always calmed my fears about anything. Heck, who needs fears to enjoy a pie!

  14. I have no experience with teen drivers other than I was one a very long time ago. Good luck and count your blessings you guts raised your son well. Love your photo – it says it all.

    Have a lovely weekend Karen. It’s nice to be able to get out and visit old friends again.

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