Is it a sign?…..

For two days now we’ve had two Robins hanging around the yard and feeder.
Early Spring?  Not just yet.  More snow this weekend.  *sigh* 

Lets enhance this little guy….

Indeed, a Robin.  One can hope.

13 thoughts on “Is it a sign?…..”

  1. More snow oh k !!! It's coming just a few more weeks I can just feel the sun now ! As I'm saying this the weather just said ice sleet and a little snow for tommorow morning WHAT !!!!

  2. I've had big fat robins all winter! Sorry to burst your bubble! I'm not done with snow yet though. 🙂 I fear the approach of the never ending March and April – my least favorite months of the year. I get fooled EVERY year. Yay! It's March! Spring is coming! And we wait and we wait and it's cold. And it's muddy. And it rains for days. Then it's April…and it's still raining.

    Nope – give me exciting snow events through March and I'd be alot happier!

    (I know. I'm crazy…)

  3. Oh, so ready for Spring! No snow here in Northern Virginia – just bone chilling cold. Thanks for sharing all your snow pics, they are beautiful!

  4. I hit two nurseries today. I was one of the crazies. I keep hoping for spring. I did snag a $5 rose leftover from last year though. Love a bargain. It will be awhile before I plant it, though.
    Pretty robin!

  5. Brrrrrrrrr he's going to get cold feet. I have read so many blogs that state the robins are unusually early in their part of the country. Perhaps it was so cool in the south they didn't know where to go. Unusual weather we're having.

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