Three Dog Night


   Supposedly, that phrase originated with the Australian Aborigines who slept with their dogs on cold nights.  The coldest were “three dog nights”.   

   Around here, we don’t need to cuddle with the dogs on the bed thanks to modern heat. For many years I couldn’t convince the Mr. to let the smallest of our pack sleep with us.  That changed a few years ago when Bailey became ill and he took heart.  Feeling sorry for her in her dwindling days, he invited her on the bed to sleep with us, thinking it wouldn’t be long now.

   Three years later, Bailey thrives, beating the odds. Rest assured, it’s always at least a one dog night here at this old house.  Once you’ve let them in, you know…  you can’t turn tail months later simply because things are looking better.  Try reasoning with a dog.  The ritual is the ritual.

    Now, Ben the Dane sleeps in my office on that used up queen size mattress.  It works like a charm and he’s a happy bed camper.  Rudy the pisspot sleeps in his crate because he’d mark everything from here to Chicago if he were left to roam.   When Frasier came along… a dilemma!  He is a cuddle bug, just like Bailey.  They are often together during the day napping in this position.

But…  not until the cows that we don’t have come home under a blue moon will the Mr. allow another dog on the bed.   If I could, I’d let Frasier up.     A two dog night is still do-able in a King size bed if you’re asking me about it.   I’m pretty sure, though, beyond any shadow of a doubt really, that I would then be sleeping out in the dog house we don’t even have.

Sorry, Frasier.  Sometimes….you gotta do what you gotta do.    

11 thoughts on “Three Dog Night”

  1. When I brought my first dog home, she was 8 wks, and I did not have a kennel for her until the next night. But the ritual of sleeping on the bed had already been set that first night. Bridgette would not sleep in the kennel. Instead she howled pretty much throughout the night. Of course I made the mistake of taking her out so I could get sleep. For the next 12 years she slept on that king size bed with me. When she died it took me about a month to get use to sleeping alone. Now I have two cats and another dog. The two cats will sleep on the bed but Madigan prefers her kennel or the cool floor to the bed. Go figure.


  2. I used to let my Airedale, Sophie, sleep with me. But she didn't like to be touched when she was sleeping at night, so if I moved it would disturb her and she'd get down. My two loving dogs would be happy to sleep in the bed, but it's not happening. Ranch dogs are too dirty and stinky:-)

  3. When I met my Bill, my 18 year old daughter said, "I hope you like my mother's dogs"…and he did.
    But he swore he would NEVER EVER let a dog sleep on the bed……that was 14 years ago, and all our dogs have slept on the bed with us. And he loves it. So does the dog.

  4. Izzy was so skinny and a shivering mess as a pup so she slept in the bed under the covers with me to stay warm. As she grew she had to learn to sleep on the doggie bed and snuggle up with Rowdy or simply sleep on top of him. One New Years Eve when they got scared by fireworks at midnite we let them up on the bed…two dog nights don't work for me since the pups are bed hogs. At least they have each other. Poor Frasier. 🙁

  5. I love the one of the two of them on the chair!! Little snugglebugs!! So sorry to hear about Rudy…but I guess he is used to it by now?? Ben has it made…on his own giant sized bed! Ours are always on the bed with us!

  6. Frasier is so damn cute. I sometimes forget that you have four dogs! Four!

    No cats? I can't remember.

    We have one dog. He sleeps on his chair in our room since he's 70 pounds or so. 🙂

    But the cats are a different matter.

  7. I would give all I have to sleep one more night with our Jack Russell who we lost last year at the age of 16 . . . .

  8. I tried to let Tiah sleep with me, but she kicked so much that she now sleeps in her kennel at night, and the cats have now taken over the night! Such precious pictures!

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