Weather Weary

   Do any of you live in a part of the world where you have the distinct impression that the weather is perfect just about all the time?  I’ve heard that San Deigo, CA  has perfect weather.  I have no idea if that’s true, but right now I’d like to give it a try. 

    It’s currently bitingly cold and windy here in CT, and all that snow we got a week ago has melted a little, and hardened into crusty slippery stuff.  I’ve been browsing the seeds catalogues and decided to place an order yesterday… this year I’m trying a few new varieties.  The Mr. has placed an order for his vegetables with an organic seed company out of Italy.. .click here 

  Burpee is my resource for these beauties below…

Purple Dragon Carrots

Italian Ice tomatoes

and for my flower beds…three varieties of Zinnia.
I have found that Zinnia is such an easy flower to grow,
great for cutting, prolific, and blooms all summer long
with very little effort from me.
Queen Red Lime
(My favorite)


State Fair mix

I’m going to make a Sunflower wall against the back of the garden this year too
These are Coconut Ice…
Hard to believe, but just four months from now,
it’ll be looking more like this around here…

23 thoughts on “Weather Weary”

  1. Karen,

    I'm with you on the cold. With all the bitter cold here in Minnesota lately I've begun looking at real-estate in warmer climates fantasizing about moving. When I get to the point where I can't stand being cold any longer I visit the local garden center just to breath in warm moist air and smell the fresh cut flowers.
    I haven't yet started looking at seed catalogues but will soon once March comes. Those carrots look amazing and the Zinnias, the Queen Red Lime are beautiful.

    Hang in there winter is almost over.


  2. Oh, you are teasing us badly with those gorgeous shots of flowers and tomatoes and summer……..I so seriously can't stand this COLD.
    My neck doesn't like it either.

  3. My youngest daughter lived in San Francisco for a while and I visited there millions (well, dozens) of times and FELL IN LOVE with the weather. It seemed perfect to me. Never hot – never cold. All that lovely walking. She lived on Nob Hill and the views were spectacular.

    My hubs was not a fan though. He likes hot sometimes.

    I like moderate! Unless I'm at the beach.

    I vote for SF!

  4. Cabin fever is awful … except it allow us time to daydream and focus on warmer-weather things. I love zinnias, too, for all the same reasons. Think warm thoughts.

  5. It can sure be bleak during the month of Feb! I've lived in cold climates, too. But it's pretty nice here in North central Florida…all year round! We are having a cold start to the day today but our forecast is for the 70s and even 80 by the end of the week. Come on down! Sweet hugs!

  6. Winter has a beauty all it's own–but I hate to be cold! I can't wait til the warm days of May when the chill has left the air and I can sit on the porch with an iced tea or beer! My most miserable job will be over the end of May–some days I wonder if I can last til May 31. I can–right???? I'm looking forward to planting a few things, but we have so much shade. I have discovered a sunny spot for the zinnias though! My mom planted them every summer in the flower bed at the back of our house–right behind my swingset–a good memory!

  7. I have to say, when my mother in law calls and says that it is 80 degrees in Palm Desert, CA, that sounds nice. However, unless you can get out of there in the summer, it would be my version of hell. We have had a few "teasers" here in Oregon lately- I got out in the yard for 4 1/2 hours yesterday in 45 degree weather, but hey, gotta take advantage of anytime that it isn't raining and cold! Very little snow here so far this winter, hoping we don't get any!!
    Literally I was awake in bed yesterday morning thinking about changes I want to make in my yard. It is that time of year…we get so antsy, ready for Spring.

  8. I don't think any place is 100% perfect, but certainly there are many places in CA without snow or humidity. I don't like our hot hot days when we get over 100, but for the most part we really like it here.

  9. I'm looking forward to spring too! It's been nice this last weekend, but two days from now they are predicting rain and snow. Aggghhhh.
    It's certainly not as bad as you have had though. Winter is hard on our moods and depression. At least for me it is.

  10. Weary here of the weather as well. You might try Baker Creek Heirloom seeds. They have many interesting varieties and an incredibly beautiful, yet free, catalog.

  11. love your summer photos, hope springs eternal. as to 'perfect weather'…I'd tire of it, I think, although living in HI was a blast! I enjoy 4 seasons but, perhaps, just not so much of snow, low temps and COLD.

  12. Karen do you ever get a fungus on your Zinnias? I've been reluctant to plant them because someone told me they are prone to fungus. They are beautiful in your pictures!!!…:)JP

  13. This time of year in CT it is difficult to remember that spring and summer WILL come! I'm fantasizing about warm climates. I visited my son in San Deigo and thought it a wonderful place. He would always tell us the weather and it was never too hot or too cold. And when it was very warm it was a dry heat. And there were flowers everywhere. Nancy

  14. We've been extremely lucky this year so far. I've only had the heat on maybe four times. Yesterday, it was pretty cool walk, today was perfect. It's supposed to be 80 on Sunday which made me happy since all the family will be here, but then I read rain. ugh

    Love your pics, and yes I believe this header and background are my favorite so far. But, you always find the best. 🙂

  15. I'm with you and we haven't even gotten our snow yet (expected tomorrow.) Love the idea of the zinnias and sunflowers — we do them every year. 🙂

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