Sharing the Love

 Normally on Valentines Day I make a big chocolate cake or big fluffy cupcakes for the family. Heart shaped cookies and chocolate hearts too…. This year, slowly but surely, I’m making changes. We’ve all been more conscious of healthy eating recently, even my  almost 17 year old son. SO.. there will be no chocolate cake after dinner tomorrow night.   I do have heart shaped cookies on the counter and there’s also a smattering of dark chocolate hearts (good for you in moderation, don’t ya know.)

 Dinner this week will also be more health conscious recipes… these two links below are on the menu, as long as I can find the ingredients at the grocery store.  (Still no school today due to snow removal efforts!)

Buffalo Chicken Salad

Italian Wedding Soup

Two of my dear blog friends are in need of prayer and encouraging words.   If you’re so enclined, visit their blogs and  leave a comment   – share some love, some light, some encouragement …

Do you plan anything special for Valentines Day?
I’m not big on the grand displays of romance,
not that there’s anything wrong with that.
But I do take the opportunity to do just a little decorating
and show my husband and kids in little ways that I love them.
On display at the breakfast table on V-day morning, I have always gotten the kids
each a new bathing suit and a big box of chocolates.
The bathing suit was a reminder that these grey New England winter days
would soon morph into Spring and then Summer.
Now that they are older, they want to pick out their own bathing suits,
and so I find fun T-shirts instead.
The husband loves chocolate dipped oreos and that chocolate cake! ,
but this year he’s getting a T-shirt too 🙂 
I’m showing myself the love by eating better and exercising more. 
The best gifts a girl can receive? … good health …and self acceptance. 
Self appreciation, self love.
 and I don’t mean that in a narcissistic way.
That’s been a work in progress for me. 

I have decided to stick with love.
Hate is too great a burden to bear.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let us always meet each other with smile,
for the smile is the beginning of love.
Mother Teresa

Can miles truly separate you from friends…
If you want to be with someone you love, aren’t you already there?
Richard Bach

16 thoughts on “Sharing the Love”

  1. I think about Ms A every day. It reminds me to count my blessings.

    I am making my hub's favorite tomorrow! He loves my primal pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. No sugar, no grains. I'll be posting the recipe tomorrow if you're interested Miss Karen.

    Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Early

  2. Love this post today, Karen. I think I will buy myself some flowers at Trader Joe's, just to brighten the table. My honey is out of town so I am going to keep the chocolates out of the house:-)

  3. Great post k !!! You still need to make some cookies an send them to us that way you don't have to eat them !!! Lol have a great day

  4. I was just thinking of the brownies I was going to bake today as I read your post! Oh why did you have to remind me that I should be eating better?! I think giving a gift that reminds your family of warmer weather is such a great idea! You are really on top of Valentine's Day!


  5. Well I immediately went to visit Miss A and my heart aches with all that they are going through. I was trying to think of things a little more on the healthy side too- and I think I may take the boys for frozen yogurt. Score for me and them as well.

    You honor me so~ I am grateful for you and your big heart and the ability to "share love," cause you do that really, really, well. xxoo

  6. Karen – have you tried flourless chocolate cake ? It's a little flat looking but I know I liked it…at least it's chocolate.
    Prayers and thought to your friends. Hard and scary times for them all.

  7. Hate is a word I have kept out of my vocabulary for a couple of years now, in fact I de-friended an old friend on Facebook who used it in nearly every conversation on FB. Can't she just say 'dislike'. Hate is such a 4 letter word. Sounds like you have a perfect V-Day!

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