Ritzy Rolos & Horrible dresses

Simply place ritz crackers on a cookie sheet, and top each one with a Rolo candy. Place in an oven at 350ยบ. Remove when Rolos are melted and top with a second Ritz. Let cool to harden, and eat them by the handfuls.

 – Sinful, but so easy good.

I don’t watch alot of TV,  and not often awards shows.
Last night I did catch some of the Grammys…
and I found some of the dresses pretty awful.
Surprising.. because these people have the money and the “staff”
to get this right.  Maybe I’m too stuffy.
I love Adele!
This is just awful…as if Mary Poppins threw it up like a hairball.
That topknot would give anyone a headache, I give Jennifer credit.
The dress?…Just weird.
Reminds me of those flashdance sweatshirts with one shoulder cut out
that we used to wear in HS..
The 20 something year age difference? … well, she looks stellar for her age,
but girlfriend, that’s gonna be real tough pretty soon, just ask Demi Moore.
Who told her she looks fabulous in this dress, I want to know….
She’s beautiful, she had a gorgeous figure flattering black gown on
just an hour before… but she’s not a small girl…
 THIS.. just threw her under the bus.
Shame on her people.
Kimbras dress… I loved it and I hated it.
THe little mermaid meets tinkerbell?
And she had a hard time walking in it…
But it was also beautiful in an ethereal way.
Her genuine joy in winning the award was evident,
always nice to see.
So what do you think?
Love em or hate em?
It’s all good –

23 thoughts on “Ritzy Rolos & Horrible dresses”

  1. Ha! I love Adele, but did say to myself that she looked like my grandma's davenport. I said davenport purposely.

    I love watching for the crazy stuff. And I look forward to Fashion Police this week.

    Jennifer Lopez and Beyonce are perfect.

    No one asked, but overall, the Grammy's were snooze-worthy!

  2. Good morning Karen, so glad to know you are all safe! About the Grammys my thoughts to a T. Then I thought, well maybe Iam just too old to get it!
    Peace enjoy the white stuff!

  3. I didn't watch all of it, so I have to go through the photos today. I noticed Rihanna in a red dress. She is so gorgeous. Miranda's dress was not a good fit at all, but I totally loved her nails that matched the dress. A real glittery country girl for sure. And Adele! Who doesn't love her? Well, her stylist apparently. That was just plain awful:-/

  4. hot dang! Those rolos look sinfully good.. thank you for sharing (I think!). Oh my. Adele. Most of those dresses were just painful to look at. LOL at J-Lo's topknot headache. Too cute! -Tammy

  5. Karen, first of all although tempted to make those Ritzy Rolos, I'd then be forced to buy BIGGER clothes…I'll have to just think about them! The dresses? They are down right scary! Give me my jeans and turtlenecks any time!….:)JP

  6. Putting Ritz crackers and Rolo's on today's shopping list.
    I only caught 5 min of the Grammy's … not sure who the female singer was but her dress was used like a screen and changed colors and at the end had butterflies flying on it.
    Do you know who that was and what did you think?
    The dress itself looked silvery and beautiful.
    It was around the 10:30 mark.

  7. i loved the grammy's last night and oh yes, there were some interesting dresses….

    i have to say that although i didn't care for adele's dress….somehow, with her being english, it worked for her….but oh lordy, flower overload and then some.

    but miranda's dress….i was thinking the same thing….who told her this looked good on her ? does she own a mirror ?

  8. i didn't watch any of it but saw the fashions on msn. you didn't even 'call out' katy perry? her 'globes' were almost startling.

    jlo's outfit made me think she was trying to outdo 'angelina's leg'

  9. Mary Poppins threw up a hair ball!!!!!! Now THAT is funny stuff! I was overall disappointed in the styles. I wanted to hug Miranda Lambert. What was her stylist thinking?????? I still can't get over the Forrest Gump thing. What is the Sam HIll was that?????

  10. I watched bit and pieces of the Grammy's and I think we have a lot of the same thoughts. LOVE Adele and was happy to see her wear something other than black, but good gracious, this was loud and unflattering. And her hair made her look like a housewife from the 40's. I sound like Joan Rivers now! Totally agree with you on Jennifer and Casper. I know she will somehow retain her youthful beauty but numbers don't lie. And the minute I saw Miranda, I thought, why would someone with such a full figure wear something so skin tight? I'm sure she had a mirror.

    I feel terrible now.


  11. I don't like any of them. The last one is beautiful…just not appropriate for this event. And don't you get the idea that some of these ladies wear the wrong SIZE? I can squeeze into a small, too…but then how would I look? Like I was POURED into my dress! I like classic styles…with a feminine twist. They need to ask you and I what to wear! heehee!

  12. Sme stars simply have no taste. Even if someone else dresses them, don't they look in a mirror before they go out the door???

  13. Well…wow. I have to agree with Lavender Dreamer. And I can pour myself into a…well…smaller size BUT I really shouldn't and neither should they! And these women have advisers? Yes, and mirrors?

  14. I LOVE ADELE. She does NOT give a crap what anyone thinks…….she is her OWN person. And she rocks.
    JLo….looks like she is at the Grammys with her SON. Yup, that's gonna get real hard, real soon.
    Miranda, omg……yes, she should fire someone…..that dress was not made for a girl of her substance.

  15. I love your little chocolate snacks I am going to make them for my husband he will love them -thanks…I love all your pictures with the snow Karen so beautiful.I know it is really hard for you guys having to feed your animals and such but the pictures look so good-love dee x

  16. Didn't see the Grammys, was watching Downton Abbey. That show is kinda like crackers and rolos for me, indulgent.
    But did catch a few pics of the dresses on the internet. Love your saying "as if Mary Poppins threw up a hairball" in regards to Adel's dress, too funny. First thing that came to mind when I saw her dress, Julie Andrews, in the Sound of Music, making the kid's play clothes out of the drapes.
    Lovely fabric but not for a dress. JLo, trying to imitate Angelina Jolie, and Miranda Lambert, yes I thought her silver/white dress was way to tight and short for her stature.
    But hey listen to me, sitting on my sofa wearing clothes from Target. I should be so judgmental.


  17. I've realized in my "old age" that just because you have money, sure as heck doesn't me you have good taste!!
    And if you are a star or singer, your taste seems to get worse.

    PS…gonna try those rolo, cracker things! They look awesome!

  18. I just caught bits of the show, but I thought Adele's dress was atrocious and Jennifer's hairdo just plain ugly. I love Adele's music– but Jennifer–not so much.
    The cracker/Rolo thing look good–Have you ever had the rolo melted on a Pretzel? I think Miranda and I need to lay off the bread and sweets! Yeah, her mom or sister should have advised her to not wear that dress!

  19. Will definitely have to try the Ritz with rolos. TFS! I am in Southern IL and we are getting snow and sleet at this time. Winds are picking up. I have enjoyed looking thru your blog since I found it. A beautiful house.

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