White, but with SUN!

  You can see the difference between this morning (earlier post) and this afternoon – the storm has let up and blown away. I suspect we’ll be cleaning it up for days to come though.  No one allowed on the roads but emergency vehicles and plows…  Looks like we ended up with 36 inches in flat areas and four foot snowdrifts where the wind kicked in.   

 Has a chicken coop ever looked more beautiful, I ask you?

The boyz got the bulldozer from the back shed and managed to remove
enough so we can get around and feed the critters, etc… 

K and I gave Opie and Max some OUT time
(this is boarder Max, not K’s horse Max, who I’m sure is stuck inside for the day)

yours truly…. pass the Advil.

Coady can smell horse cookies miles away…
I feel sorry for my guys, who will be out in this all day… now that they’ve
gotten us cleared out enough, they’ve headed off to other jobs and family too…
All I can do is keep the fire going and have plenty of food on hand.
The fire chief may or may not have stopped by today after a certain someone
caused a little grease to burn after cooking cheeseburgers, tripping the alarm.
That certain someone DID give the correct password when the alarm company called.
However, a certain OTHER someone changed the password
recently and so the alarm company didn’t believe I was who I said I was and sent
the Chief our way despite my protests.  *sigh*
I did offer him a cheeseburger.
It is what it is.

19 thoughts on “White, but with SUN!”

  1. If that other someone who changed the code hadn't had to be out working in that weather, he wouldn't have gotten a cheeseburger outta me. Just sayin'.

    I hope the worst is over as far as blizzardly, but good gosh ya'll are having it rough!

    Pretty photo's.

  2. wow….you guys got snow !

    thanks for sharing the during and after photos….it makes ours, which is still way too much, look like just a dusting compared to yours……

  3. I set bacon on fire once and neither my husband nor I could remember the password. They sent the volunteer fire dept. to our house…45 minutes later. They didn't want any burnt bacon though 🙁
    The snow is definitely lovelier once the sun shines through 🙂 I guess the animals pretty much keep themselves warm?

  4. Welcome to my world but without the help -grin-. I'm glad the fire chief was diligent even though it was a false alarm…no pun intended.
    Love the Heracletus quote; one of my favorite.

  5. I've been thinking about you, wondering how you were doing. I'm glad you and your family are good at taking care of yourselves! Lovely white, but way to much!

  6. At least the chief got a cheeseburger out of it. The snow really does look beautiful as hard as feeding all those animals must be during it. I can't get over the beauty your horses are. What is the name of the red one at the end? Keep warm and dry. Many blessings!

  7. Wow- we are in the midst of our own blizzard and yet we are getting a mere 12 inches or so- nothing compared to Nemo. But the sun and blue sky are gorgeous to see and I am hopeful we will see that later too.

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