23 thoughts on “Wisdom”

  1. Before I made the picture larger, it looked like Mr Dog had a broken leg.

    Good luck to the son. Hope his mother doesn't do the same thing to him, that my mother did to me on teeth pulling day. Afterwards she took me to Wal-Mart for meds and with a bandage wrapped around my cheeks, she put me in a wheelchair and pushed me around.

    GOD Mom, what were you thinking! I was way old enough to stay in the car!?!?!

  2. I remember when each of our daughters had their wisdom teeth removed … I'm not usually nervous about things like this, but I was on those days.

    Here's wishing you and your son the speediest recovery possible from the procedure.

  3. I remember so well! I was young, and my mother totally left me to fend for myself convinced I could drive myself- left my 17 year old friend in charge of taking me, picking me up and taking care of me- uff da 🙂

    Hope it goes well and he recovers quickly!!

  4. i hope you videotaped him when he was coming out of his anesthesia….oh i remember how funny that was with my kids 🙂

  5. ps….as a dental assistant, remember he'll feel pretty good for a day or two, and then will go down hill after that….well at least that tends to be the course most kids ride on…..ox

  6. Poor kid. That sucks. I had two out plus a supernumerary ( a tooth buried in the roof of my mouth between my two front teeth. NIce, huh?) and then a few years later, my other two wisdom plus four more for braces. Poor kid. Give him anything he wants!!!

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