Come … sit…

… have a cup of coffee with me and lets talk about stuff.

 It was 7 degrees this morning when I walked out to the coop and barn to feed and clean.  Holy frozen fingers, Batman.  The horses aren’t much bothered by the cold, blanketed as they are. The minis have a thick winter coat that keeps them insulated. It takes until summer for it to fully shed out.  The chickens?  They looked at me when I opened their door to the run and said emphatically, NO.  So I closed it back up. They have a heat lamp in their coop that keeps them comfortable.  I gave them their morning oatmeal and leftover salad greens… spoiled, they are…and they don’t even know it.

Donald Trump is trying to buy the New York Times.  You can read about it HERE if you’re so inclined.  I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand the man. He is the most arrogant, rude, conceited, pompous, selfish, self-righteous idiot I have ever come to dislike.  I guess he’s not a complete idiot, though, because the dude has a lot of money.  And.. I can’t ignore the fact that there are still enough people in the world who like him enough to validate his ginormous ego. 

My husband and I don’t quite see eye to eye on the subject of Big Money People… I’m referring to the ones that aren’t all that generous.   I’d never make a proper Big Money Person, I’ll admit it.  I couldn’t live the Big Life and not feel terribly, terribly guilty about it.  Five houses?  Staff at each home to take care of the places you’re not  living in?  a Fleet of Cars? Chauffers!  Multi-Million dollar boats with paid crews  wearing matching outfits and your boat name that you might use 10 times during the year to entertain? Helicopter launching pad at your Hamptons residence just so you can get into the city a little faster and avoid all that traffic.  Do those people every really enjoy all that stuff?  Don’t they worry about it when they’re not around?  After all, you can’t be five places at once.  How can they not think about ALL that MONEY going to waste, … just to indulge their occasional whims? I think of all the homeless people, the disease research, the animal shelters, the community centers, etc. etc. etc…. that could benefit from some of that extra cash wasted on “waiting on“.  

I realize this is a charged subject. Mike would say “Hey, if they were smart enough and worked hard enough to make all that money, they’ve earned it and deserve to spend it however frivoulously they choose to”.     And it’s true. I don’t feel I have the right to dictate what should be done with someone elses money, I’m just saying… well, that wouldn’t be me.   And Mike would then say with a half-hearted laugh.. “You’d die a poor woman”…      Maybe, but a fulfilled poor woman at peace…. because  I was not just a taker while I occupied this world, I was a giver too. 

In getting to know so many of you here in blog land, I see that none of us are the Trumps of the world.. but we are all givers in one way or another, regardless of what we have or don’t have.  I’m glad you stop by here now and then and we get a chance to share and commiserate. 

My dogs are following the sun as it moves through the house on these very cold days…

..and I bought this at the grocery store for $5. to cheer my chilly self up.  
Reminds me of my grandmother, she loved everything china blue and white. 
I’ll plant the bulbs in the ground come spring thaw.

Stay warm, all – I think I’ll go make another cup o’ joe.
Light, no sugar.

30 thoughts on “Come … sit…”

  1. Your dogs look so happy and comfy, I love how they found that little splash of sunlight. It's super cold here, too. The radiators have been making non stop noise for days now as a reminder.

    I agree with you on Trump…I see him as a cartoon character. As far as the rich people go, I'm a little divided on that. I knew a very successful lawyer many years ago who told me he had grown up dirt poor. Once he started making money, the first thing he bought was a huge freezer and stocked it with ice cream. He loved ice cream and they just couldn't afford treats like that when he was a child. I sometimes see wealthy people in that light…fulfilling their needy selves. A little sad to say the least. I guess we all have our own desires.

    Stay warm, my friend!


  2. I totally agree with you on the people with extreme wealth issue. And not just because I'm a person with no wealth. Even when I had it, I gave it, and even now when I don't, I still find myself giving what I do have. Money does not buy happiness ~ even if you do use it to buy a puppy. A miserable wealthy person will still be miserable, wealthy … and still have a puppy.

    I love the crocus, and the Dutch blue. I wish I had more windows to fill with bulbs and herbs. My cat has been sitting on the rear deck to catch the sun… it is the only place I do get sun here.

  3. I'd love to have a cup of joe with you as long as we can sit with the dogs in the sun on the floor and chat. I feel exactly the same as you when it comes to the rich and famous. I believe a lot of them do good with their money and time, probably more than we know, but then there are others that just bug the heck out of me. Why have more than you need? Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.

  4. you know what? I put your town in my phone's weather app and I shiver every night when I look and see how cold it is on the east coast. You are in my prayers for global warming to finally kick in

  5. He really is a buffoon. I like that word and he not only acts like one, he looks like one.

    I don't understand the extreme excess. All I can think is that for some, it is an attempt to fill a big hole inside them. Of course they have the right to do whatever they want with their money, I just don't think that would be my choice. Although I would probably have a big barn with horses and someone to help care for them. I'd probably still drive my Ford F150 because that's how I roll.

  6. I wonder if a lot of people are like Trump, but they are not wealthy or celebrities so we do not hear about their escapades and nastiness…My hub says he would not know what to do with all the money if, for instance, we won the lottery. I assure him he has nothing to worry about – I will take care of everything. If only I had the chance!

  7. You would think with all that "money" he'd do something with that HAIR. Egads, he must think it looks good.

    Well, actually they do give away at least some of their money 'cause they don't want to pay taxes on all of it.

    My mom once said "Sally, if you won the lottery, you'd give it all away!"

    No, they don't appreciate what they have because it's what they're used to, either that or it's new money and they're showing off. pfftt

  8. I agree with you 100%. I just want a cozy little spot big enough for me and the dogs. I could do 500 square feet and be happy. I'm not into fancy cars and the big fancy lifestyle. I too would feel guilty about all the ones that just seek shelter and food, especially the poor animals.

  9. I laughed at Denise calling him a buffoon. That is a GREAT underused word. I will make a note of it. I'm still smiling. I don't know much about Donald, other than he needs some hair help – and doesn't that just get you? The man could have a scalp transplant he has so much money, and yet he goes about like that. Like rich people with bad teeth – I don't get it. We are much alike Karen – I'm happy with just enough – give the rest away and help someone who doesn't have enough. I wonder though – do you just get lost in that world of all that excess? Do you somehow lose touch with reality? Some people could say that about me and my thrift shop dish hoarding. I don't think it's excessive that I own about 50 dinner plates and there's just the two of us here. Perhaps it gets like that with boats and houses too. : -)

  10. Wish I could send you some of our warmth, it's suppose to be in the 70's here again. That only means it will be a long hot summer. Less is more to us. We had to down size considerably due to wage cuts and we've never been happier. And we can still afford to help out friends who need it. Whether it be food or just emotional support or a little gas money now and then, we help where we can.
    And the Donald…Sally's right spend wisely, get the hair fixed!

    Lisa in Fort Worth

  11. My dogs do the same thing, especially my southern girl, Ella!

    I totally agree with Sally, with all his loot, ya think he'd have nicer looking hair!!!

  12. I'll pass on reading about DT. Your dogs have 'The Life of Riley" It is amazing what a flowering plant will do for one's outlook during the middle of winter!!! Stay warm.

  13. Really? The New York Times????? I can't stand the man. It is always good to ask ourselves what is enough and what is too much. I've been going through things, getting rid of "stuff." Who needs all this stuff, anyway. Just need enough to pay the bills…ok and maybe fund a trip to Italy. For a month or two. sigh.

  14. I love the little blue and white shoe with the flowers in it. I'm going to look for one. Is that too excessive to want a shoe with flowers in it?

    I feel at times that I am a lover of too much excess. Just having a closet over flowing with clothes feels excessive to me. I have no clue how I would deal with TONS of money because a bigger house we don't need, we don't enjoy boating, and a girl can only wear so many pairs of shoes so why buy more.

    Donald Trump? OMG…. he just strikes me as being a horrible person. Just shave that hair off your head and stop trying to hide the fact that you are already half bald. Buffoon for sure!

  15. i follow the sun around the house, too 🙂

    and we are a long way from being big money people and i always wonder if i could live that way, and i'm not sure if that's just a learned behavior like everything else….who knows ?

    tomorrow, i buy flowers.

  16. Karen, I can't stand the man either. Here's my two sense worth. I think folks with that kind of money don't think about the same things folks like us think about, like homeless people, animal shelter and the welfare of the community at large. I don't think it's even on their radar. They live in a totally different reality that wealth has shaped for them. They don't think of money going to waste because, for them, it's all about amassing wealth. The more the better and I think it's all about filling an empty space. I don't envy them, I don't even envy my friends who have monetary wealth. They jet around the world enjoying what their money can buy, but I know for sure they are stressed out, genuinely unhappy, their children have no idea how people who don't have money actually live (and I think they will have a rude awakening when they step out into the real world). Instead of envy I feel pity for them. It's almost like their wealth has them imprisoned.

    Okay that's enough.

    Donna 🙂

  17. I live a guilt-filled life of having more than a lot of folks….not a life of wealth and power but a very comfortable life. If I had BIG MONEY I would have a hard time not giving the bulk of it away-

    Love your pups and your delft shoe-xo Diana

  18. You'd think with all that money he could find a better hairstyle.

    We've had shirtsleeve weather around here during the day. I've enjoyed it!

    Stay warm!

  19. This is so funny…talking about Mr. Trump and his money. I don't know him but I think I would tire very quickly in his company. His hair bothers me, but that little o mouth he makes when he talks makes me crazy. If his wallet was the size of Texas, I'd pass.
    Love the crocus in the shoe. We should be more like the sunny dogs and not be so catty. 😉

  20. Hey Karen! Love that flower filled shoe!! Flowers do cheer us up a little, don't they? I think I'll check out my local grocery tomorrow! It is frigid here right now…we are in the minus three range right now and the girlz' feet are just freezing…their little paws get stuck to the driveway…and the grass! I run out and scoop them up and race back inside!! It's even cold in the car!! Hopefully it will be a bit warmer next week. Looks like Frazier has made a friend!!

  21. Buffoon I tell ya! That is a great word.
    Well, you know my feeling for the guy. It's not because he is rich, it's the way he is so over the top that I think him a buffoon.

    My dogs also follow the light also.
    And, I'm surprised the chickens even answered the door, too cold.

    Just a note: My daughter the art teacher in Phoenix, just got her first dog….from a rescue. Thought you'd like that.

  22. Trump makes me laugh, but I have to tell you, I'm with Mike on this one.

    If I had tons of money I'd be incredibly generous. I'd also live bigger. I'd have some stuff; I can't lie.

    I look at it a different way – maybe? I'd be employing people, I'd be buying stuff which is good, I'd be philanthropic. Win win win.

    And I could escape the cold your chickens don't like!

    Smooches to Mike! Apologies Karen. 🙂 I know you love opinions.

  23. It's even cold down here in Virginia- but you guys are WAY colder.
    Some people are complaining about the big money sports players moving out of high-taxed California to a lower taxed state. States hate to lose that tax revenue. What would NY do if Donald Trump left? I'm sure NY likes the taxes he pays. I can't take the guy seriously, but I'm sure his money talks.

  24. First of all, I love that crocus planter! $5? I'm so on it!

    About wealthy peeps sharing… that's a tough subject. I'll never know what it is to be uber wealthy in $$. But I'm wealthy in other areas, and that's fine by me. 🙂

  25. Some people are makers and some takers! Everyone has a choice to live there life as they wish. That is what is great about the USA.

  26. Karen, there are billions in this ole world who, if they knew you, would say you *are* living The Big Life. And, they'd be right because they don't have as much of anything as you have.
    It's all relative. I'm grateful to live in a country where, so far, hard work is rewarded and we can each spend our money the way we see fit.

  27. Another thought…all those homes, cars, boats, etc. require staff and that means a paycheck to a *lot* of people. That money isn't going to waste just because it's not going to animal shelters, homeless, etc. That money is keeping people from being homeless, going hungry and, more than likely, being sent "back home" to help out there. A job and a paycheck aren't small items, especially to the blue collar crowd.

  28. I read today's post that referenced this one. I totally agree with you. And Thistle Cove Farm has a good and valid point and reminds us that some people are employed because of big money, but I would add that there are so many people, not just in this country, but around the world who need food and water and a roof over their heads. And they will not have the opportunity to be employed by these wealthy people. And animals who need to be protected and saved from extinction. And I could go on and on. Of course, I have no idea what those people are doing with their money and perhaps they are donating to all sorts of important causes.

    But Donald Trump? He revels in his money. He brags about it. He gets his validation from it. And he is a blowhard. I have no respect for him whatsoever.


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