Dog days Graduates…

 I’m sharing two awesome pics on FB of two Dog Days graduates… Actually, Charla (and sister Chelsea )were taken in by Lorin and Lillian of Dog Days, both pups suffering from neglect and demodex mange. They have their own label on the side bar there if you want to read more of their story.
Charla before and after….  
 She was adopted by Lillian, her foster  mom  (Lil is now one of us, a Foster ….Here she is playing in the snow with  another Dog Days Adoption Event graduate,  Slider.  I think Slider and Charla like the snow, don’t you?
Some of you contributed to their medical expenses and I want you to see
what your generosity accomplishes. 
NOW.. inquiring minds want to know.
When you read a blog… what type of appearance is the most appealing to you?
If you read my blog often you know I’m always changing things up.
Maybe that’s annoying.  A dark background might be hard to read.
A simpler look is easier on the eyes. The pics take too long to load?
Let me know what your opinions are in the comments section below.
And thank you again, from the dogs 🙂

26 thoughts on “Dog days Graduates…”

  1. Loving all those pup photos! Have been shopping for a coat for Izzy and I like that red one!

    As far as blog looks, well… I'm a huge fan of white background with black print that is large enough for my old eyes. If I have to struggle with reading it then I just move on to the next blog.

  2. I don't like two things on blogs. When the header pic is so big (like mine right now) that you have to scroll down to see if you have read the post already and when you have to hit "read more" to get to the post. I so DISLIKE that for some reason! I don't think you have either problem! Oh – I don't like music either. It's annoying. I went thru that phase quick!

  3. Karen, your blog is one that loads almost instantly for me. The ones that have all of those animated ads and stuff that take totally forever.) I'm generally standing here at the kitchen tall counter with a cup of coffee, far away from the wireless router, so I only have two-out-of-five bars of signal. Even under these conditions, your page loads right up.

    Am always amazed at the resiliency of dogs. No matter what their beginnings in life, they have the gift to forget and flourish, despite their treatment. (When you work in rescue, you see this all the time.) The road to a Forever Home may not be a direct one … it may have twists and turns and disappointments and pain … but it is worth the journey to find a family to love. (Speaking of journeys, give Fraiser a kiss on his head from me … do all of the pups while you're at it.)

  4. Karen, you are preaching to the choir here — I have gone through so many blog formats, etc… I know it became annoying to some of my readers. I have chosen a simple header (no photos) and a very minimal design. Above all, I believe it's the content of the posts that drive readers to your blog. The rest is rarely looked at, in my opinion.

    Love the transformation that love had on Charla. What a doll. 🙂

  5. I change mine all the time. There is just to many neat things out there to try. I get teased by Tex and Debbie a lot because I change it. I've really liked how you had it. The white is nice too. Whatever you want!

  6. wonderful, happy pups! i'd be a total foster failure. won't even attempt it.

    i like simple. i hate animated gadgets as they slow everything up. big, invasive headers turn me off, too. i have lots of things on my sidebar, but hopefully they don't take too long to load as they are static. probably time for me to change things up again.

  7. Nice story on the pups, so cool.
    The blog, I like that you change the header once in a while cause your photos are awesome, I would do it but I'm afraid to mess with it. And personally, I think the white background for reading works best, but what do I know.

  8. Your blog is always a pleasure in every way. I love that you change it up. I only wish I knew how to do that. My header has been the same since I started several years ago! Your pics are fantastic eye candy and I always love reading about what you are up to. Your noble cause with the pups is admirable. Those two in the snow look like mine do when they go to the beach. Pure bliss!

  9. Yes, your blog is wonderful to me and I love your photographs. Doesn't matter if you change stuff like the header because I like what you write. I don't even remember how to change my header! 🙂

  10. I really like how you change up your banner often! I love that you've been incorporating typography over the photography and even when you apply special effects to your images like on the edges of things (nice touch). I like to read a blog that has beautiful images, AND really nice typography (fonts), you have both. As a graphic designer, I think WHITE space is a good thing. I see saw many blogs that have way too much stuff going on! Not a big fan either of dark backgrounds, it's hard to read. I have no problem loading your blog, I LOVE reading it!

  11. I have to say I do like the lighter blog- I find it easier to read. The pics load immediately for me. And…congrats to those cute little graduates- xo Diana

  12. I prefer simple – preferably white background. Dark backgrounds, music or talking ads are immediate turnoffs – and I won't go back to re-visit.

  13. Charla looks healthy and happy . . . well taken care of. Always good to hear stories like this. I can't imagine being unkind to these little creatures that bring us so much happiness:O) blessings, xo

  14. I wonder what happened to my comment!

    Anyway, you know I love your blog, and I like that you change the banner; it's always nice to see different aspects of what's going on around this house house too. 🙂

  15. I love the dog updates!

    My issues with blogs are the font used. I had a blog that I loved but she switched to some funky font that kills my eyes. She also started posting pics from Instagram and again it bothers my eyes so I've stopped reading.

  16. A "foster failure." That's so cute! :p

    As for blog decor, I'm not one to say since I have this strange OCD when it comes to changing the header and background. I don't really advertise my blogs, and I only blog for myself so… I put on whatever I like.

    I'm not a fan of lots of advertisements, though. It seems everywhere I go, I'm bombarded by them. I like blogs to be a quiet escape from all that 'white noise.' (Still, I can understand why some people have them. Every little penny does help).


  17. You know what? I don't care what you do to your blog…. I just enjoy your photos and what you have to say!!! OMG, what a difference with that sweet puppy.

  18. What a dramatic difference in Charla!

    You could put a photo of horse manure as a background and make it look good! I have no complaints!

  19. I love to see what the contributions do……and what lovely pups!!
    I for one do not look at the background of blogs much…..which is why I don't spend much time on my own….I'm at a blog for the content, and the pictures (which don't take long to load, btw) not for the frills. I am annoyed by having to type in word verification, and I am somewhat appalled that someone has to approve every comment….but whatever.
    keep it simple, I say. I'm here for you, girl, to read about your thoughts, your dogs, your energy, not the extras.

  20. I really enjoy your format and the different headers you design!
    Love seeing Charla enjoy her life so, but now I'm wondering about Chelsea–where is she and how is she doing?

  21. I read your blog from an iPad. I love your headers and appreciate your willingness to change them frequently. I prefer the large single pictures verse the four smaller shots you currently have. You take such great photos and the larger format really allows us to see the "art" of each photo. I really like the white background. The look is cleaner and in keeping with your style – not sure I should be claiming to know your style :). Thanks for your work on this blog. I really love reading it.

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