Look what I found!

I’m feeling like crap, just so ya know…
my sinuses are not happy, allergies have flared…
or I’ve got that cold/flu crud that’s going around, take your pick…
 So I’m sulking over the computer,
 but I’ve found some good things to share- lucky you! 
Sam just posted this easy hearty breakfast bisquit…
YUM!..and doesn’t she take such beautiful pictures of the food, too?
Lisa is sharing this delicious bran muffin recipe…
…and Nana Diana is talking gingerbread. I do love good gingerbread..
with whipped cream, a fresh batch. 
I’ve been looking for a good recipe for Taco soup…so I googled…
and look at this recipe! YUM!!..
Taco and Cornbread Casserole
..and what’s dinner without an awesome dessert?
Key Lime and Coconut Cake… I LOVE these flavors…
several variations…
fancier yet…

and just to add marshmallows on top… how about this
Toasted Marshmallow Shake.  

19 thoughts on “Look what I found!”

  1. I hope you're feeling like yourself again very soon, Karen! Yummy looking comfort food! After the sweet filled holidays, I'm ready to make soups and casseroles.

  2. The taco soup photo caught my eye. I'm so fat from the Holidays that I can't touch any of those other good looking dessert items… seriously. so fat. miserable.

    Gosh, sorry you are feeling like crud, Karen. Hubby just got over it after about 3 weeks and so far the flu and cold stuff has left me alone. Thank goodness!!!

    Get well soon!!!!!

  3. Karen – sorry you're feeling lousy and hope you feel better soon.
    I think I gained 2 lbs just looking at these delicious pictures.

  4. I'm so sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I've got the same thing, only I refuse to use the word "cold" for fear it could be true.

    Glad you liked my muffins and thanks for including them. Wish you were here and I could fix a cup of coffee for you with a muffin to make you feel better.

  5. This is when I love Pinterest….I just click on Pin It and these recipes are saved to my Pinterest page….easy to find later on.
    I am still coughing, hope you take care of yourself. and get better soon.

  6. I like the kind of therapy you provide yourself when feeling punky. So sorry you are under the weather-that is just miserable!!

    Now, all this food looks delicious, but somehow the combination thought of taco soup, toasted marshmallow shakes and breakfast biscuits are making me feel queasy! 😉 Gosh, people do take the prettiest pictures of food…and yay for you for sharing!

  7. I have the same creeping crud. I took a 2 1/2 hour nap today and am ready to go to bed now! Now I feel yucky and am very hungry!!! Yummy looking goodies!

  8. Sure hope you are feeling better Karen…it's not fun to feel lousy like that. I SO need to google that taco / corn pie…sounds SO good! I can't even look at the pics right now as I am starving!! Check out Pinterest for all KINDS of drool worthy photos of FOOD!!

  9. I was positive I was getting a sinus infection yesterday, but all symptoms went away — thank you Allegra.

    I'm trying to be "good" as far as eating the wrong things. This post did not help me. Lol.

  10. Karen, sorry you're sick; I'm working on boosting my immune system as I'm feeling wonky with scratchy throat and stuffiness. Steph, my sis, had bronchial troubles and my body wants to plan but my head says NO, GO AWAY! I'm voting with my head.
    The gingerbread looks wonderful, haven't made any in ages so might have to have a pan of that this weekend. As does the coconut cake, both of them, and the key lime pie. Oh my, what a bite of sunshine that would be!
    Thanks for the finds and get well soon.

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