How Stella got her groove back

Somewhere along the line
a very pretty hound girl was dumped in the Georgia wilds.
Fischer Rescue Family came along and took her under their wing.
She had an infection and her spleen had to be removed.
Hence, the name “Spleeny”.
Enter Dog Days Adoption Event on Dec. 1st in Clinton.
Spleeny awaits the person who might come along
and give her another chance at a loving permanent home.
Dave comes in… walks right over to Spleeny,
talks with the Ranger in charge of Spleeny (my boy!)
Takes Spleeny for a walk,
discusses Spleeny with Rescue group…
takes one more stroll around the dog pens
and says.. That’s My Dog.
Dave fit all the requirements to adopt…
and so…
Spleeny went home with Dave the next day.
He renamed her.. Stella.

 Posted on FB today….HAPPY TAILS FROM THE DOG DAYS ADOPTION EVENT IN CLINTON, CT! This is Stella (formerly SPLEENY) with her new dad, Dave. Stella and Dave connected at Dog Days and , wouldn’t ya know, they were the perfect match! Stella’s doing just great in her new home with her big brother, Eddie (he’s already very protective of her), and has made fast friends with EVERYONE at the dog park! Dave reports that, just as we all suspected, Stella is so smart and has such a keen hound nose that he’s thinking of training her to do search & rescue work! Congratulations, Stella, Dave and Eddie – happy life together!

And THAT.. my friends…
is how Stella got her groove back .
It’s a beautiful thing. 


16 thoughts on “How Stella got her groove back”

  1. Karen, it's a Very Beautiful thing; well done! I'd like to kick some hunter's to the gates of hades and back…they drop their dogs after hunting season so they won't have to feed them and then, if they find them again…good. If not, they can always get another dawg. One of my neighbors only keeps cats when he's training his hunting dogs…yes, it's ugly and mean and I despise him for it. But, I can't prove anything so a neighbor girl and I try and steal the kittens when the man isn't home. The kittens deserve a better life and, at worse, a better death than staying with him.
    Hurrah for Dave…he's wonderful!

  2. Love this story. Gonna email you a pic and link to Sweet Anne's story. I need to re-home her and just this week gained her trust enough to get her into my house where she has been for the past 4 nights (tonight being the 4th). She's a pure beagle, housebroken, I've gotten her used to being leash walked. She needs a good home with a fenced yard. I'm not in a financial position to take on another mouth, but couldn't leave her in the woods.

  3. Another beautiful success story, and I so love that Dave chose to name her Stella. You rock, Dave!!

  4. I love the name "Stella"–it fits her perfectly. She looks like a purebred black and tan hound to me! My son has a half black and tan/walker coonhound living in my backyard. He's a great dog–good watchdog too!

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