
…. every moment of this beautiful fall color we’re enjoying in New England.  Hurricane Sandy is going to threaten the East Coast at the end of the weekend, and that means what remains of our glorious red and gold leaves will surely and at best be a wet blanket of fragrant leaf confetti on the ground come Monday.

Great things happening here… so many volunteers coming together to make this
a community meeting and learning place for generations to come.
I passed by one early morning this week and the light was just luminous.

As I began morning chores today I witnessed this…
the sun comes up at the front of This Old House and showers
the ridgeline at the back of the property with golden red light…

Nature gives us such a bounty of treasures….
and Nature can taketh away.
Let’s hope Sandy is gentle.  
If you’re as disgusted with Ann Coulter as I am,
read this … a beautiful response from an inspirational young man.
One final thought  for today…
Ever notice?…
you get one bad pistachio, and the whole experience is ruined?
Just sayin.

22 thoughts on “Savoring”

  1. Such beauty! Enjoy it while you can!
    Thank you for the link, I have shared it on Facebook. So much more thoughtful and forgiving than I could ever be.

  2. Oh my- luminous and gorgeous! Wow-I'm loving those and hoping Sandy is indeed gentle. Ugh- can't bear to read/hear what Ann Coulter said… but it has to be bad for so many to be talking about the inspiring young man. Always glad there is redemption in the end 🙂

  3. Breathtakingly spectacular photos!

    Please, Lord, let Sandy be kind. I hope I don't lose track of you, like the last time. I was frantic with worry.

  4. I do love the colors on my moutain side here in VA….but I miss those New England oranges! Many thanks for a moment from my childhood.

  5. Your images are beautiful! I hope Sandy is kind as she is fixing a course for my neck of the woods so I'll be prepping for her over the next few days! And don't even get me started about Ann Coulter…


  6. I love morning light! You captured it beautifully!
    I've not been paying attention too much to politics lately beause my job is a b*tch and I'm just too tired!!!–I'm just weary of BOTH sides and glad when it will all be over! I say this every four years! lol

  7. We have certainly been having some of the most beautiful weather and I hope we don't have to pay for it with the storm! Gorgeous photos!

    What a touching piece that young man wrote…do you think Anne Coulter bothered to read it?

  8. Gorgeous photos. Isn't Fall just so cool. How could you live in a place like florida that doesn't experience what you are seeing?
    Here's hoping Sandy turns to the right.

  9. Those special moments when life gets a glow! Hope you don't get any damage from Sandy, and Ann Coulter needs to get a lesson in humility… sometimes that happens.

  10. darn sandy !!… dare she take away what's left of your golden fall….

    i truly hope they are wrong and she decides to stay in the water instead of visiting land….xo

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