Project 24

 It’s raining this morning….and I’ve got stuff to do outside.
Barn needs mucking and coop needs cleaning.
But all that can wait till the rain stops falling.
That’s my grandmother Elsie with the horse…
gone 12 years or so now, and I still miss her.
 Have you ever known someone who was a treasure in many ways…
and you knew that already.. but didn’t have the full understanding of it
until they were gone?
I had a great relationship with my grandmother and for that I’m grateful..
but as time goes on the hole she left  in my universe grows wider.
I realize just what a rarity she was, what a true gem in the crown of our family crest.
I wish I had asked more questions, spent a little more time.
SO… what’s this “24 Project”? 
Has nothing to do with my grandmother. 
It’s raining and I’m feeling nostalgic today, can you tell?
One of my favorite books when I was young had a title that eludes me now…
something like…”A Day in the Life”.
I absolutely loved it… partly for my love of photography
but more because of the glimpse it gave into the lives of people around the world 
in a 24 hour period.  Photographers were given the assignment of a specific time of that 24 hours..
and chose something in their assigned hour to take a picture of.
Some were events out in the world, some were sleeping children at 2am. 
Some photos were a majestic view, some were no more than a cup of coffee
or kids waiting for a school bus in the snow.
Here’s what I want to do.
  I want to put a post together titled 24 – 
and I want you readers to help. 
  All you have to do is choose an hour of the day that someone else has not…
 (see comments for that info so you don’t duplicate someone else’s already chosen hour)…
 and leave a comment below this post telling me which hour you will document
with a photo of whatever you choose. 
 I need just 24 of you to do this.  Actually, 23.  I’ll do the hour that no one else wants.  
The date?  Hmmm.. How about Halloween – Wednesday, October 31st.
Quite simply, if you sign up for an hour on that day… 
Just take a picture in that hour of something in your surroundings,
no matter where you are…if you can make it real interesting that’s awesome
but there’s no pressure to do so…
and e-mail the photo to me at
the next day.
So.. do I have any takers? 
PS… time zone doesn’t matter here.  
Just pick a time that someone else hasn’t. 

26 thoughts on “Project 24”

  1. i'm in….and i choose 2pm, with hopes of the most perfect light…..

    thank god i'm early on this project and god bless any of you who take the the middle of the night or early am hours !!!

  2. Poop! I can't imagine anything in my surroundings that's photo worthy? Poop… I'll try. I'll take an hour others are likely sleeping. Make it 1AM.

  3. I'll take 8:00 PM on Halloween night. I have my neighbors over for a chili fest and we hand out candy to the neighbor kids. It's a seven year tradition. We're all old so, I'll get my picture when they leave and I'm off to bed by 9:00. Not kidding. This is a great idea!

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