October and the Noble Pig

 I just found an awesome blog through another Blogger, thanks Diane!   Today’s post  – these awesome treats…

See recipe and Noble Pig blog HERE

 October is one of my favorite months, and Halloween one of my favorite holidays. The  girlchild has a birthday and I get to make a fun cake.  We brought our first newborn home from the hospital  on Mischief Night and all I could think about was… OH NO… what if the car gets egged?   What if we get TP’d??  The birthdays over the years have been so much fun to put together and just because she’s now a grown up I don’t have to stop the festivities,  right?   I shan’t.    That is too a word.

 October is also Adopt a Shelter Dog month… you all know by now I’m a big advocate.  If you’re new to my blog, just click on the Shelter Dog or Dog Days Adoption Events labels on the left to read more…

and last but not least….

 October is also Breast Cancer awareness month.   I just got my yearly mammogram after delaying it some because of the fear of it all.  I definitely suffer from medical anxiety… but I sucked it up and went… and you should too if you are due for your annual mammo. 

Early detection saves lives, it’s as simple as that… so just do it.

19 thoughts on “October and the Noble Pig”

  1. A month filled with important dates. How fun that your daughter was born on Halloween! That's the bomb. I have a friend born on the 30th and she soooo dislikes it being so close to Halloween, but she's in her 40's and needs to just get over it. LOL

  2. Ok don't laugh. My husband and I got married on Halloween. 20 years this October 31. Everyone thought we were crazy, but we have always had an adventurous spirit and don't regret the decision at all. We did not go the spooktacular route. We kept it somewhat dignified with an abundance of autumn splendors. The weather was perfect and the backdrop of autumn in all its glory made for the most incredible photos. Through the years the pure joy our kids get on Halloween makes our Anniversary that much more special. A little helping of candy from their bags sweetens the event too 🙂

  3. October is my favorite month of the year too…the weather, the comfort slow foods, the autumn decorations..I love it all:)

    …I still haven't made those apple teeth though:(

  4. Good for you, girl.

    You just found Cathy?! She was one of the first blogs I began reading. She is a Halloween nut and has a million decorations.

  5. Can't wait to see the cake you make for K!

    I'd like October better if it would only cool down just a little!

    Glad you got the mammo; I had mine a couple months ago.

  6. I've been reading Noble Pig for quite a while–I love it!
    I have medical anxiety too–maybe next Spring!
    Just wondering if you've seen Half the Sky? It's on PBS tonight — I watched the first part last night–so compelling!

  7. Great! Another blog for me to check out!!! There are SO many great ones out there!! We used to do lots and lots of things for Halloween, but since we no longer have kids at home and Ben's grandchildren live in MN, we really don't do much anymore.

    Those are super cute snacks! Yes, we do have to have a special dessert on Halloween!! Glad you got your mammo….I really need to go for mine when I get home.

  8. at least the digital mammogram contraptions are more comfortable and quicker than the old machines….

    thank god for technology…..

    oh, and mine were squeezed this summer 🙂

  9. Cute treat! I love the fall and all the festivities! I live in Pa. and was just admiring our leaves today! I have extreme white coat syndrome, but as a survivor I get through the stress and have my mammo. It's hard but it only makes the anxiety worse by waiting longer. If you get a diagnostic done they will read it while you are there and don't have to wonder if they are going to call you.

  10. wicked pics, as always! It is blowing and pounding rain (with the promise of snow) as I write this…those little pumpkins were a great equalizer:) thanks!

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