Durham Fair 2012

   As far as fairs go, the Durham fair is a pretty big deal around here.   Last night’s entertainment was Kenny Rogers and tonight Kelly Pickler will perform.  We postponed our Vermont ride due to the rain, so the girlchild and I went to the fair for a few hours this afternoon.    I used a camera app on my phone that I am not familiar with, and I did not save my best shots… apparently…. @#$!# ….  So  you’ll have to  tolerate a little suckitude in the photo department today.  That is totally a word.   

Of course, my focus was Food. 

These are really cool dog treats!

..and an adorable bunny who would look so cute in a rabbit hutch
next to my chicken coop, don’t ya think?
Mike would choke me.

But I could probably get away with this…..

SO.. I’ve been going to the Durham Fair since I first started visiting Family in CT
in my late teens.  It’s definitely an exciting place for the youthful… bands playing, 
 lots of  strutting and flirting and mingling and dressing to impress. 
 The glance that turns into a lingering look,
perhaps a sideways smile… oh, the possibilities…
you know what I’m talking about.  
I used to be ONE OF THOSE.
Then we were married and had a family…
Strollers through the crowds, cotton candy and corndogs..
kiddie rides,  Dad the hero wins a giant panda.
Sticky fingers and rosey cheeks…
I loved  when we were one of those.
Now I’m just one of the space-taker-uppers who complain about the big hill
because my knees are complaining even louder.
Gone are the sandals,  tight shirt and shorts to attempt “sexy” despite the early fall chill…
Heck no, I want COMFORT. 
 Out come the sneakers, jeans and a long sleeve shirt, pullover too. 
The only lingering stares are if the bathroom line is really really long
and you’re  wondering if you’ll MAKE it till a stall comes open
because that big Lime Rickey you just had to drink up might just do you in. 
Yes, I’m one of those.  

20 thoughts on “Durham Fair 2012”

  1. Haaaa!!! I was with 2 other women and we had several discussions about date night at the fair and did some people watching – or should I say – TEEN watching. The clothes, the struts, the "lovers" the dressed to impress. ALL what I did about 39 or 40 years ago…how can that be???

  2. Oh, for the memories! My first date was to our State Fair! My husband hates the fair, but I still go and he reluctantly goes to see the grandkids! He wasn't nearly so indulgent with our kids! The Rodeo was always in conjunction with the fair and I remember my dad taking me there to see Gene Autry(my hero). Dad said that the cowboy was so drunk they had to hold him up in the saddle! I always wore cowgirl get up too with a fringed vest and red cowboy boots!

  3. I felt like I was reading something I wrote. I am comfortable at being my age and wearing the comfort clothes. I would not want to go back in time. Life has treated me as fairly and I have lived it. I soooo relate to this post. My favorite things about going to the fair is the fair food, animals, fair food, crafts, shows, fair food, people watching and fair FOOD! LOL

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