
   Did I just make that word up?
Did you watch that ABANDONED program  about the vacant Johnsonville
that I heralded last night?
It wasn’t all the great. They didn’t highlight half of the village’s appeal,
nor did they discuss much of the history of that oddly wonderful vacant village.
If you did see it, the fellow that was haggling over the prices of “stuff”
with the shows host… was the guy who I bumped into when I went
trespassing on the property to take pictures. 
 He was reluctant,but then allowed a few shots…keeping an eye on my whereabouts.
That school house that was purchased on the show still stands..
so if they really bought it for the reported $5,000., they haven’t taken it yet.   
The show was mostly about junk hunting, which  disappointed me. 
Frasier wasn’t impressed either. 
This is a bouquet I picked from the backyard gardens before the storms the other night.
Even though these flowers are all out there for everyone to see…
the husband and child  thought they were store bought,
shocked that they came from our own yard.
For a minute I think they didn’t believe it.
Now why would that be shocking?
Every morning I’m up at 5:30 am… the dogs go out,
then the dogs come in to be fed. 
The manchild is awoken, much to his chagrin,
and then I head up to the barn and coop  to feed..
while she takes him for a walk..
…in rainboots.
Keeps the ticks off in the tall grass, didn’t ya know.
Warning:  If you’re easily offended, look away now.
Finally, a few words about politics and living in a house divided. 
It ain’t easy.
Enough said.

19 thoughts on “Randomocity”

  1. HaHa!!! Thanks for the laugh which I always need by the end of the day:)

    Now I don't feel so bad about missing that show on tv…after all, last night was the first night of this season's Survivor:)

  2. I did watch the show and was so disappointed at how dilapidated they looked on the inside. Your photos from outside looked so good, I thought the inside would be equally good. So sad to see them go unfixed.

    Those flowers are beautiful!

  3. No division in this house… only multiplication. LMAO Sorry about having to live with a 7 letter word day in and day out. I don't think I could do that divided politics thing… but maybe I'm wrong.

    I could have used a good pair of muck boots a couple of days ago when the rain was coming down like crazy.

  4. Missed the show, never heard the word, can't believe it's that light at 5:30 a.m.! and thanks for the chuckle. Although, thought we'd jumped to 53% of folks on government checks/assistance while the rest of us are tax slaves.

  5. I kinda of figured the sale of the building was a crock. Lots of those shows are just staged. Their is no way that guy let things go for those prices but it makes for good tv. The problem is that it makes ppl think that everything out there is a huge bargain. Still I may watch the show again. I like some of the haunted houses they go into.


  6. Yep I watched the show. I thought it was a little too made for TV. What a shame to buy the bell, why not leave it together and just maybe some day someone would buy it appreciate it ALL

  7. OMG I am laughing my arse off. I loved watching that video about him I have to say.

    My favorite part was lamenting that he didn't want to use his wife too much because people could get sick of her. Wha?? Do tell!

    Such an f-douche. Apologies. 🙂

  8. K looks SO cute!!

    My mom and dad used to cancel out each other's vote.

    Hunter and I were divided about the election but I'm happy to say she's come over to my side. 🙂

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