It’s a farm life

Although by a real farmers standards…
a Hobby Farm.
 That’s OK by me… even Hobby farms are a lot of work.  
Walking around the farm with my camera this weekend..
I took note of a few things.
This is what Basil looks like when you’ve let it flower and go to seed.
The aroma is heavenly, but the remaining crop spent.
We’ve given up the garden for the year, harvesting the last of the peppers
…and tomatoes!  Even a barren waste land of tomato plants will still
produce a few gems if left to their own devices.
Ok, it’s not a gem. But look at the color!

Have the leaves begun to turn in your neck of the woods?
We have the occasional tree beginning to color and shed
The grass is still growing.. amazing consider the hot dustbowl this summer produced.
25 year old Max filled out nicely because of it.
I’m hoping to keep the weight on him through the winter.
The manchild still mows regularly, and still refuses to let me take a decent picture.
This was a hasty retreat as he spied the camera.

The original hens and new hens still  choose to stay separate
except for when I close them in the coop at night.
The old girls, taking a  dust bath before the rains yesterday
under their favorite pine tree, which we have trimmed,
much to their chagrin.
The new girls barely venture out into the coop yard.
Raven and Snow
I am now fully aware of how the terms
“Hen Pecked”
“Pecking Order”
“Don’t be a Chicken”..
came to be. 
The garden still blooms… 
If you plant nothing else next year,
sow some Zinnia seeds.
They are the flower that just keeps giving and giving…
And don’t be afraid of roses..
there are many hardy varieties out there.

I hope you’re enjoying the weekend
in whatever way brings you happiness.
A lesson I think I’ve finally absorbed..
When someone’s giving you grief in one way or another
and it befuddles you because you know you don’t deserve
or understand  it … instead of letting it gnaw at you and fester..
do yourself a favor and realize ... that 99 percent of that kind of behavior..
has nothing whatsoever to do with you. 
And then let it go.  

28 thoughts on “It’s a farm life”

  1. you closed your post with some very true words, such an inspiring close.
    The girls are beautiful, people think chickens are stupid but they are so much more clever than most realize, they will be right once they become used to their new surroundings, we raised chickens all my life until just the last few years and they have such individual personalities, no body gets along with everybody and chickens are the same as people inthat but we all take time to settle in to a new home, your photos are beautiful our leaves are turning here as well, frost is in the early morning air, we all know whats coming around the corner don't we!!

  2. Beautiful post. I love your timely words of wisdom too… need to remember them.
    Autumn is peeking around the corner in NJ too. Nip in the air in the morning and late evening, some leaves already have changed and pumpkins are showing up. Yay.

  3. Beautiful pictures and some deep thoughts. You are so right. I used to let things get to me and I would perseverate on them. Now I try to let go. Life is to short to worry about the people who obviously don't truly care. I have also found that those people have deeper issues that have really nothing to do with you. Live life to the fullest!

  4. "When someone's giving you grief in one way or another
    and it befuddles you because you know you don't deserve
    or understand it … instead of letting it gnaw at you and fester..
    do yourself a favor and realize … that 99 percent of that kind of behavior..
    has nothing whatsoever to do with you.
    And then let it go. "

    Ahhh – one of The 4 Agreements! Don't Take Anything Personally. I re-read the 4 periodically to ground me when my head gets out of control!

    "Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

    We take things personally when we agree with what others have said. If we didn't agree, the things that others say would not affect us emotionally. If we did not care about what others think about us, their words or behavior could not affect us.

    Even if someone yells at you, gossips about you, harms you or yours, it still is not about you! Their actions and words are based on what they believe in their personal dream.

    Our personal “Book of Law” and belief system makes us feel safe. When people have beliefs that are different from our own, we get scared, defend ourselves, and impose our point of view on others. If someone gets angry with us it is because our belief system is challenging their belief system and they get scared. They need to defend their point of view. Why become angry, create conflict, and expend energy arguing when you are aware of this?"

  5. Great wisdom at the end of your pos, Karen. I love seeing bits and pieces or your hobby farm world. Those chickens are amazing. I always loved them. It is hard to bring new chicks into an old roost oft times. Hope the transition smooths out- xo Diana

  6. I so agree with the words at the end of your post. I tend to take so much personally and I have to learn to shrug it off.

    These are just beautiful pictures of your farm…the basil is amazing! I think your new little girls will settle in fine, they have a wonderful new home!


  7. Zinnias are one of my favorites…..after they dried up, I used to pick all the heads and save the seeds for next year.
    Your picture of the top of the wall is my fave.

  8. Hi Karen,
    I love your blog and have followed it for some time now. Today I just loved your flower pot step ladder. I have a friend who put coloured (blue glass bottles on hers)glued on of course. I especially liked your very long stone wall with a tennis ball. My grandfather built walls like yours for many years and my husband is a tennis nut. My hubby is working today and not very happy that he is missing US Open. It is being taped as we speak. Hope you have a great day.
    Hope you will stop by my blog if you get a chance. It is usually about my stitching but I write about other things of course.

  9. First of all the ending to your post is so true !!! Was the directed to me ? :] ! The pics are great !!! Hope you have a great Sunday afternoon !

  10. Quick question… what are the two little fuzzy things, on the left side of the rock wall?

    We had a cool front come through. It's a few minutes after 1pm and only about 80 degrees! Love it!

  11. I love your blog more each and every time I read it Karen! And….I think I'm one of your very first followers!! Good inspiration that I should take to heart. WAY too much family drama around here lately. That basil smell is heavenly…even if it doesn't look so good!

  12. Yes ma'am! It is never about us. Always about them.

    I wonder about this all the time and work hard to not fall into the crap along with them. Sometimes it's hard. Go Karen!

    btw – that white chicken is huggable and I do not do farm critters.

    I'm a weirdo city girl though and hug stray (no they're not – sometimes I wish they were cuz they're so cute) doggies all the time.

  13. Read this post yesterday—but didn't have time to comment.

    Yes, a LOT of work is right! 🙂

    I don't like chickens-never have, but your photos somehow stir a teensy part of my heart to like those things. 🙂

    The leaves here are changing colors too, but not the brilliant reds you show. Mostly just yellow.

    Love your bracelet. Love your photos and updates of the happenings around your home place. It's good to love home, isn't it?

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