Warning: Political Rant

 Can I vote for Bill Clinton to come back as president? We need a visionary, we need someone who knows how to walk the line and work with both sides of the issues, we need experience, a level headed approach, we need extreme intelligence. I will never care one ounce about a President’s private relationship shortfalls, nor should anyone else ..We have no idea what has gone on behind closed doors with every. single. President. I’m not interested in hearing from Clinton haters and this is not about being a Republican or a Democrat… extreme right, conservative, liberal or extreme left. My feeling is that the separate parties deal no longer works. There is too much division and animosity. We’re sinking to new lows with an unwillingness to work together at the expense of ALL of us, mud slinging, bold lies and lack of respect for elected officials.

I hate politics for this reason, and I apologize for putting a political rant in your face this morning. I’m just done with the division, the ugly, the finger pointing, the skirting. Let s get on with the SOLVING of the myriad of PROBLEMS we have before us, by working together and compromising when necessary. Are you capable, Washington? That includes the way we talk to each other here, so please keep that in mind.

26 thoughts on “Warning: Political Rant”

  1. I think the US system does all it can to oppose the other party and delay policy, just for the sake of being opposed. It is in the interest of the people and economy to work together but that does not seem to happen there. I heard Bill speak and thought he was excellent. I do have faith in Obama though, and hope he is given a second term.

  2. I was thinking the same thing while listening to his speech. Apparently he "ad-libbed" about 20 minutes of that speech, putting in things that had previously been taken out. He is quite the speaker.

  3. Agreed…we need politicians to reach across the aisle and work together to solve problems instead of blocking whatever comes from the "other" side. That kind of thinking is never going to help. Let's hear it for Bill! And for visionaries!!!

  4. I agree with you 100%. I am a very conservative baptist girl from Texas. With that being said, I want a healthy country and I think all of the carrying on hurts both sides. While there are a few things I have strong opinions about, I am disgusted with the all or nothing approach of both sides and I am of the opinion that too far one side or the other will not be good for America. I believe that we all need to compromise at times or nothing is EVER going to get accomplished. That is exactly why Bill Clinton was a good president. Another problem these days is too much media. I worked in the PR division of a Fortune 500 Company for many years and it's easy to see through all of the staged speeches and planted news stories. Sorry for such a long comment but you started it:)

  5. I have felt that the r party this last time has not wanted to compromise at all. They just want what they want.

    I thought they were all sent to work for the people and get the best deal no matter what party they are a part of.

    This hasn't been done lately. I hope people vote based on what their reps did or did not do for them.

    Whoever wins an election needs to put the political stuff away and do what's right .. have they done that .. no, do they need to, yes.

    I'm a D by the way but whoever wins better do the best job they can and enough of this party stuff.

    And, stuff isn't the word I'd like to use but …


  6. Agree! I loved Bill's speech last night and even mentioned to my husband that it was too bad he wasn't running for President because I think he would win!

  7. First: I love you!

    Second: No apologies; this is your blog! You can write what you please! We will read.

    Third: I love Bill! I have been saying this for YEARS!

    smooch smooch smooch

  8. I'm a big Obama fan, have to say. He has been in an impossible position these last 4 years with Republicans blocking and filibustering every initiative that came their way from the President's Desk. I'm also a big Clinton fan, as well. His speech last night was incredible. No one is better at explaining issues with clarity so that everyone can understand.

    I'm sick of the partisan bickering. I'm sick of the Republican far right that will not even entertain the idea of compromise and also vote any Republican out of office who does reach across the aisle. What have we come to?


  9. If only he could . . . his speech was amazing!

    He hit the nail on the head when he said NO President has EVER inherited such a mess – read between the lines, not Lincoln (Civil War) or Roosevelt (Great Depression) had the mess he's had to deal with, and I think he's been honest, dignified, and a hard worker for America!

  10. I am not an Obama fan. I am a registered Republican but by no means far right. Total believer that every woman has the right to choose, for example. I must admit though, I've alway liked Bill. My mother, God rest her soul, adored the man. So much so that a life size cardboard cut out of Bill stood proudly in her living room greeting visitors to her home. I have it stored in my basement. Perhaps it's time to take him out and dust him off. Thanks for your blog, a welcoming, safe platform for healthy dialogue. If only our leaders could follow suit.

  11. He is a charmer. I'm sick & tired of the bickering too. I wish we could get term limits on Congress & the Senate, maybe that would help. I'm not sure anyone as President could work with the broken Congress that we have today.

  12. I swear when Clinton was talking last night I wanted to marry him. OMG that speech was good.

    I just hope Joe Biden doesn't mess up with his speech tonight. Oye, the stress.

    I agree the partisan politics has to stop, but I don't have much hope that that will change if Obama is re-elcted. I have begun to believe that many of the Republicans on the hill hate the fact that President Obama is black. Okay I said it. Why else would they refuse to work with him on issue that the Republicans had once brought up such as health care and job creation. I may be totally wrong but I can't think of another reason the Republicans are so bent on getting President Obama out of the White House. Nuff said.

    Thanks for the opportunity to express my opinions. I hope I haven't offended anyone.


  13. Oh yes, Bill is a charmer! I think his success in politics lies in his natural winsomeness and charm and his ability to charm even his political enemies. Really, any politician worth his salt should be able to compromise and work with people. I think Obama is a bit sensitive and inflexible, to his detriment as a politician. Actually, I don't consider him black–he is as much white as he is black, isn't he? I don't think race matters in elected officials. At least not to me. I think all people should be judged not by the color of their skin, but the content of their character. That's not original, but who said that??? Martin Luther King, I think!
    It's true!
    Anyway, Bill Clinton is the consummate politician and charmer. I voted for him for Governor, but not for President. For all his foibles, I like him anyway! And, by the way–I have met him and shook his hand!

  14. He gave an invigorating speech and I would vote for him all over again. I too was afraid for Biden to talk, he really is like a drunk uncle at a wedding – never know what he will say to embarrass. On another note, anyone else think that Chelsea has grown into a beautiful woman? So poised….they did something right with her and with the country! Just sayin….

  15. I am horning in again just to comment on all the wonderful comments! I love this.

    And Donna and Diane – move over hooches. Bill's with me. Hillary is cool with it. 🙂 (love you Hillary).

  16. Karen, I don't care about a President's private life EXCEPT when it takes place in the Oval Office. Then, in "my" house it becomes my business. If a man's own wife can't trust him, what makes me think that man can be trusted with the country or affairs of state?
    It's past time for DC folks to work together; the next two months are going to be nasty and I'm already sick of it.

  17. I Agree with you Thistle Cove Farm. It is my business what goes on in the Oval Office. I feel Bill Clinton had no respect for our Country when he participated in those acts and I feel he still has no respect he is just another good speaker.

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