Dear Rep. Todd Akin –

  I put your name in that post title because I hope that your people are googling all the stuff written about you and somehow this little piece comes to your attention… you arrogant, IGNORANT man.   A writer who I admire had this, click link below,  to say about the subject of rape and the conversations taking place after you “misspoke” in an interview.  The sad thing is,  f*ck  that apology you issued ……let’s face the fact that it’s how you really feel… this time it just came out in an inconvenient place at an inconvenient time for your party, now, didn’t it. 

28 thoughts on “Dear Rep. Todd Akin –”

  1. karen….
    ohhhh i love this and what you wrote !!!
    and that apology of his…..well without question, written quickly by his writing staff in hopes of covering up something that will never be able to be swept under the rug, no matter how hard he tries !!!

  2. A DC news radio commentator that I admire was very clear about this in an editorial yesterday afternoon. He said that Rep. Akin is telling every woman in America that if they get pregnant, no matter what the means or circumstances, the U. S. government should require them to give birth … period.

    Mr. Akin,
    You did not misspeak. You spoke from your heart, and from your small, twisted little brain.

  3. Ignoramous. And, something else I don't understand is (as mentioned in the article) people making jokes of what he said. 🙁

  4. I speak for SOO many women in Missouri when I say… we're so ashamed he lives here! Please don't judge us all by what this idiot says… it's not bad enough this state produced Rush Limbaugh -now Todd!! Heaven help us!

  5. This is where I get to admit that I live under a rock and had not heard this. After reading the post about it, which I agree with wholeheartedly, all I can say is, Go, Karen!

  6. Wasn't it just a couple of posts ago you were asking for civility in the comments, Karen? though I do agree with the premise of the post the language and generalization of this post just strikes me as odd, very angry and a little hurtful….as in not all of your readers are Democrats. Let us not become like "them"….no matter which party we support.

  7. I don't know how you can call the language in this post odd, I'm sorry but I disagree with you. What this man had to say was horrendous and outrageous and as a woman, I believe you should feel the same way. It deserves my response. Very angry? You betcha. Hurtful? I'm sorry but if we sit on our hands when someone strikes out at us and say nothing, we are part of the problem. I have no idea what party most of my readers belong to and that wasn't part of the post. If Akin were a Democrat I would have been just as outraged.

  8. Rock on Karen! I heard about this "mis-spoken" statement yesterday on MPR. I couldn't believe my ears. As some one who came close to being raped, I was lucky the rapist was thwarted by another person, I can say that when someone touches you and has sexual intentions without your permission or continues to touch you despite saying "no" that is rape. There's no debating. There is no such thing as legitimate or illegitimate rape. No such thing. Rape is rape. Who are these doctors, telling him that the female body "shuts down" during a legitimate rape? That's just utter nonsense.

    As for "ain't for city gals". There comes a time when outrage is necessary and this is one of those times. Whether your a man or a woman, Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent, you should be outraged and speak up. As a society we get to police and call out our public officials when they say something that is so wrong. These commenters have it correct, Aiken's only sorry because he's getting flack for what he said, though I firmly believe he believes what he said was true. Sorry I don't want a public official with that type of view making laws.

    Oy vey, nuff said.


    Sorry I got a bit carried away Karen.

  9. Good for you for posting the truth! As much as I thoroughly enjoy visiting blogland and seeing all the pretty pictures, it is a powerful tool that can help bring much needed change to this country…and the world.

    I've never used my blog for anything other than entertainment until tonight. I've just posted a blistering piece myself, but on a different subject.

    One person can influence change. More people need to have the strength and conviction to speak the truth.

    Thanks, Karen.

  10. Complete and utter MORON. You go girl. I am AGHAST that ANYONE would find your post offensive. This man's commentary brought home how messed up "things" are in our government. People actually believe and think this way. Seemingly intelligent people! And they are a cog in the mechanism that runs our country. Is there no way out? Horrified and still in disbelief. And most definitely scared…

  11. Yes yes yes.

    And yes – VOTE. For all that is good, vote people like him out.

    Rock it lovely Karen. The one commenter that tried to make this a polarizing issue? Shame on her. Your response – perfect.

    Dumb is dumb. He is beyond that.

    I love how when you see something you say something.


  12. Oh yes! Misspoke?? A word wrong??? I don't think so!

    It's infuriating that people who should be smart based on their level of education can't even grasp the rudiments of simple science when it conflicts with their religious stances.

    What a scumbag.

  13. I just hang my head in shame when those who are supposed to be leading us open their mouths and make comments like Akin did. The scary thing to me is that these folks keep climbing higher and higher…somebody is putting them in office.

  14. Wow…I used to just enjoy reading about the property and the lovely roses!


  15. Dear Anonymous (it's always "anonymous" when you leave a negative remark, isn't it?)

    My blog is my space to chronicle ideas, creativity, family activities, gardening, share recipes, Share viewpoints. It wasn't created for your enjoyment, although I thank you for the compliment on previous posts and I am always happy when anything I do brings joy to another. I welcome others points of view regardless of whether they agree with mine, also.

    However, in this case, if you actually find my outrage on this politician's horrendous remarks that offensive, I'd say you probably share his point of view. Hard to believe in this day and age….

  16. How did I miss this post and not read it sooner?? Tell her not to come to my blog either. Women who don't support women.. No place for them in the blogging community.

  17. I'm late to the debate but there are a couple of shocking things here. One is Todd Akin and his comment. He should be ousted from the party for that one. The second is the comment that is shocked by your shock. I'm shocked. And the trusty anon…..good god woman…delve into issues and appreciate discussion…you're comment sets you back 50 years.

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